

1、bonded chemicals『2words』

2、spraying-bonded wadding『2words』

3、print-bonded non-woven『2words』

4、tape bonded hybrid『3words』

5、cement-bonded wood chipboard『3words』



6、chemically bonded phase『3words』

7、fusion bonded epoxy power coating『5words』

8、application for opening bonded warehouse『5words』

9、Bonded factory and materials bonded warehouse.『6words』

10、Technical conditions of steel-bonded tungsten carbides『6words』



11、He felt himself bonded to life.『6words』

12、They all bonded while writing graffiti together.『7words』

13、testing method for adhesion of bonded fabric『7words』

14、They are a fully bonded and licensed company.『8words』

15、Steel bonded tungsten carbides-Determination of transverse rupture strength『8words』

16、Densification processing of a new steel bonded titanium carbide『9words』

17、dishcloth ,of bonded fibre or similar bonded yarn (non-woven) fabrics『10words』

18、Neither was a political hack bonded to a political party.『10words』

19、These two nics are bonded together as a single NIC.『10words』

20、cover ,table, for bonded fibre of similar bonded yarn (non-woven) fabrics『11words』



21、Crosslinkers having a covalently bonded phosphorous atom, the phosphorous atom having at least one covalently bonded oxygen atom.『18words』

22、roofing felt, of bonded fibre fabrics in which the textile fibres are bonded with tar or similar substance『18words』

23、A bonded warehouse is divided into public bonded warehouses and bonded warehouses for self use according to the objects used.『20words』

24、Bonded warehouse: With the customs bonded warehouse in airport, we can offer the warehousing and distribution for the imported goods.『20words』

25、Article 2 a dividing line shall be set between the bonded zone and non-bonded zones. The bonded zone shall be subject to separate administration.『24words』

26、The Ningbo Bonded Area is one of the 13 bonded areas in China and was established after approval by the State Council in 1992.『24words』

27、The consignment service refers to the bonded warehouse, bonded warehouse specially store the consignment of imported spare parts for the maintenance of foreign products.『24words』

28、Special bonded warehouses include liquid dangerous goods in bonded warehouses, bonded warehouses of stock, consignment and maintenance of bonded warehouse and other special bonded warehouses.『25words』

29、The total amount on the declaration form for exit outside of bonded warehouse shall not be higher than that for entry into the bonded warehouse.『25words』

30、Through expatiates the relations among bonded logistic zone, logistic zone, export process zone , bonded zone and bonded port, the second chapter summarizes the property of BLZ.『27words』

