

1、corrected compass heading『3words』

2、mechanized heading development『3words』

3、The heading is trite.『4words』

4、A headline or heading.『4words』

5、A beautiful heading『4words』



6、Change paragraph or heading style『5words』

7、Choose a descriptive subject heading.『5words』

8、We're heading towards fishing gear.『5words』

9、Having a head or heading.『5words』

10、What time are you heading off?『6words』



11、The wallet is heading for extinction.『6words』

12、A freighter slipped by, heading seaward.『6words』

13、A bearded man heading for victory.『6words』

14、Carbon structure steel wires for cold heading『7words』

15、The gunfire continued, sporadically, but heading Jimmy's way.『8words』

16、Sub-heading: Secondary level of heading on a printed piece.『9words』

17、User orientation sensor: directional heading from a digital compass.『9words』

18、Her articles come under the heading of human interest.『9words』

19、Rubberized textile fabrics, other than those of heading No... 59.02.『10words』

20、I'm heading to Ibiza, where my parents have a house.『10words』



21、What do you ask yourselfto make sure heading offshore is right for you?『13words』

22、This user has chosen bold formatting for a main heading and bold plus italics for a sub-heading.『17words』

23、This denotes the heading as the XHTML 2.0 title of the document, and specifies it as the inline heading.『19words』

24、Quality problems existing in finished cold heading steel are discussed and measures improving quality of cold heading steel are put forward.『21words』

25、Selected heading. A heading marker, located adjacent to and read against the outer edge of the azimuth dial, indicates the selected heading.『22words』

26、The heading excludes gaskets and joints of asbestos board reinforced with metal wire or metal gauze, which are instead classifiable in heading 6812.『23words』

27、The import operation follows this unwritten rule; it either populates a line of text (to Object Text attribute) or a heading (to Object Heading attribute).『25words』

28、To quickly add a column to a table, right-click on a column heading, and click Field Chooser. Drag the column you want to the column heading row.『27words』

29、The Explanatory Notes to heading 8484 give guidance on both the types of gaskets provided for in this heading and the types of gaskets excluded from this heading.『28words』

30、The article points out some questions about title heading in traditional entry, analyzes the additional title heading and the parallel title heading, and brings up some viewpoints about it.『29words』

