

1、hourly rate instructor『3words』

2、average hourly earnings『3words』

3、Occurring once an hour; hourly.『5words』

4、Wage is an hourly income.『5words』

5、We' re expecting news hourly.『5words』



6、daily, hourly, I grew stronger.『5words』

7、A half - hourly news bulletin『6words』

8、Anacron does not handle hourly jobs.『6words』

9、The program provides hourly and quarter-hourly chimes.『7words』

10、live in hourly dread of being discovered『7words』



11、This medicine is to be taken hourly.『7words』

12、They lived in hourly dread of discovery.『7words』

13、Coastal factories are increasing hourly payments to workers.『8words』

14、The station broadcast hourly report on snow condition.『8words』

15、It was daily and hourly cross to the girl.『9words』

16、They were tested hourly for either wakefulness or motor skills.『10words』

17、Collect server performance data hourly and store in the monitoring database『11words』

18、Let's transform this hourly wage into something that has more meaning.『11words』

19、Paying voice actors on an hourly basis is in line with the law.『13words』

20、Moonlighting traditionally has meant juggling two hourly jobs, or an hourly job plus freelancing.『14words』



21、His impatience to get to London grew hourly, and his captivity became almost unendurable.『14words』

22、Measurement of the hourly urine volume is not by itself a reliable test of renal function.『16words』

23、Analyze the peak hourly capacity vs. peak hourly demand for burger patties. Can they produce enough burgers?『17words』

24、They are based on an hourly,daily or weekly rate or on a certain amount of work done.wages『17words』

25、How will the grid respond if millions of meters fire off hourly usage data into the system?『17words』

26、When is the site updated? How often is the site updated? Why isn't it updated daily/ hourly/ continuously?『18words』

27、A fully loaded hourly rate is typically a multiple between 1.5 and 2.5 times higher than the salaried hourly component.『20words』

28、It is built using Apache Hadoop for hourly index updates and Apache HBase to provide random access to item information.『20words』

29、Where the overtime does not exceed 2 hours, the Employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 1/3 of regular hourly rate.『27words』

30、Where the overtime is over two hours, but does not exceed four hours, the employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage, an additional 2/3 of regular hourly rate.『32words』

