care for造句,用care for怎么造句子(30句)

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子

1、Sincere care for me.『4words』

2、take care of和care for均可指‘照看’『4words』

3、Do you care for seafood?『5words』

4、I care for cocktail parties.『5words』

5、I don't care for meat.『5words』

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子(30句)

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子

6、Would you care for a dram?『6words』

7、Take care for trimming and cleaning.『6words』

8、Would you care for another drink?『6words』

9、He does not care for amusements.『6words』

10、As for cynicism, I don't care for it much.『9words』

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子(30句)

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子

11、As for me, I don' t care for tea.『9words』

12、I care about you because I care for you。我在乎你是因为我喜欢你。『9words』

13、Waiter: Would you care for red or white wine?『9words』

14、I do not care for the things women care for.『10words』

15、Care for Nature today, nature will care for you tomorrow.『10words』

16、Chairman Mao's care and care for him is unforgettable forever.『10words』

17、We have an obligation to care for the next generation.『10words』

18、Can you care for my cat wile I am away?『10words』

19、I can vouch for their commitment and care for the children.『11words』

20、I don't care for myself, but I care about you so much.『12words』

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子(30句)

care for造句,用care for怎么造句子

21、The boy had no friends to care for, or to care for him.『13words』

22、They care to raise funds for cancer research, treatment and hospice care for patients.『14words』

23、D. The product is a women care product, with professional care for the health of women.『16words』

24、Care for others is sweet happiness, care for others is the most wonderful happiness in the world.『17words』

25、The girl did not care for the man as a girl ought to care for her betrothed husband.『18words』

26、Maybe, we actually needn't care about or care for the right or wrong, the gain or losing of many things.『20words』

27、In supporting primary health care, health officials must explode the myth that inexpensive care, including inexpensive medicines, is second-rate care for the poor.『23words』

28、Especially in material life and developed society, besides, we care much more of a heart, to care for others, care and attention life world.『24words』

29、The Oxford Textbook of Palliative care for children is about the care of children for whom cure of their underlying disease is not possible.『24words』

30、Then she was sent to school in Montgomery. She left high school early to care for her sick grandmother, then to care for her mother.『25words』

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