not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子(30句)

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子

1、Oh, that's not bad.『4words』

2、没有未来的曾经,is not bad .『4words』

3、Hmmm, not bad at all.『5words』

4、As teachers go, he's not bad.『6words』

5、This is not bad code at all.『7words』

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子(30句)

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子

6、And my rebounds are also not bad.『7words』

7、It is not bad for a pirate.『7words』

8、That was not bad for the first day.『8words』

9、Science is ruined by bad science, not bad movies.『9words』

10、Not good, not bad, but honorable: the perfect anti-hero.『9words』

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子(30句)

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子

11、My grades are not bad, but not good enough.『9words』

12、That's not bad, you get to see other cities.『9words』

13、It's not bad, right? It's not bad. Now this one.『10words』

14、No, it is not bad parents. It is bad policies.『10words』

15、Her English writing is not bad to a first learner.『10words』

16、I think black cats are good luck, not bad luck.『10words』

17、His pieces are not bad people do some really bad things.『11words』

18、I am not bad looking if my skin were not so sallow.『12words』

19、It sort of provides a counter narrative to say that all is not bad.『14words』

20、The reason of the world is not bad. Is it not good to be unhappy?『15words』

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子(30句)

not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子

21、Being a grateful person, not forgetting the world, not bad conscience, is the greatest virtue.『15words』

22、My family just bought a dog, it's not bad, just a little messy I think.『15words』

23、The man said, Of course her voice is not bad, but the song is very bad.『16words』

24、The spilled diesel is not bad enough to threaten the wildlife native to the Galapagos Islands.『16words』

25、The good news is, the spellings not bad and more importantly , it's making me laugh.『16words』

26、Phillip: I wanna go home. My mama 's not bad, Butch. She gives me those things.『16words』

27、Open-minded, live a wonderful point, to people, good point is not bad, bad point, will certainly hurt themselves.『18words』

28、 She is not bad. She thinks it's not bad to do this. This is the reality of the society.『20words』

29、Sariputra! All things therefore they are in themselves not good and not bad, they are not increasing and not decreasing.『20words』

30、Well, it's not bad. Good shape, handsome appearance, honest and honest face, it seems that the blue snow heart is not bad『22words』

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