

1、Are there any prizes『4words』

2、Jack won several prizes.『4words』

3、Both children won prizes.『4words』

4、Again, he won prizes.『4words』

5、He won most prizes.『4words』



6、Mother prizes her best china.『5words』

7、That's great. What are the prizes『6words』

8、How many prizes do you have?『6words』

9、We have some great prizes tonight.『6words』

10、Tom carried off all the school prizes.『7words』



11、Her amazing works won lots of prizes.『7words』

12、They won plaudits and prizes for their accomplished films.『9words』

13、But only a few will possess the coveted prizes.『9words』

14、It is good that you can win prizes like this.『10words』

15、Many pupils in this class got prizes for good conduct.『10words』

16、The activities of all prizes are not exchangeable for cash.『10words』

17、Prizes: the following prizes, in the quantities noted, will be awarded.『11words』

18、We worry that there won't be enough prizes to go around.『11words』

19、But the humans win the top prizes for the most eccentric interruptions.『12words』

20、The Free Press and The Tribune both won prizes for local reporting.『12words』



21、The contest set gold prize, silver prizes, bronze prizes and several consolation prizes.『13words』

22、The Pulitzer board awarded 13 journalism prizes and seven prizes in the arts.『13words』

23、There are no prizes for ticking off every item on your to do list everyday.『15words』

24、There will be no exchanges, no returns, no cancellations and no PTZ refunds on redeemed prizes.『16words』

25、Jim likes to gloat over all the sports prizes he has own, which he keeps in a glass case.『19words』

26、Europe is a market that highly prizes fuel economy, with some of the world's most stringent gas mileage standards.『19words』

27、The prizes will be awarded based on the heaviest fish on the fish list. Minimum weight of fish to qualify for prizes is 5 KGs.『25words』

28、In the meanwhile, with the lucky draw of happiness prizes, third prizes, second prizes, first prizes and special prizes unveiled, the annual dinner reached the climax.『26words』

29、After the end of the game, teachers awarded prizes for winners, and don't worry, the rest of the kids were also got the cute little prizes『26words』

30、Additionally, 67 national or provincial prizes have been awarded to our university, which included 1Speical Prize, 2 first prizes in the "National Science and Technology Advancement Award".『27words』


上一篇:not bad造句,用not bad怎么造句子(30句)