

1、red-backed salamander『2words』

2、scarlet-backed flowerpecker『2words』

3、Intel backed down.『3words』

4、They backed off in horror.『5words』

5、But they quickly backed down.『5words』



6、The Lib Dems backed him.『5words』

7、His employers backed him up.『5words』

8、He backed against the wall, terrified.『6words』

9、He backed away, looking wildly about.『6words』

10、My conviction is backed by commitment.『6words』



11、He backed his car out of garage.『7words』

12、She backed the chair into the doorway.『7words』

13、Subprime-mortgage-backed securities are a case in point.『7words』

14、ArrayBlockingQueue: a bounded queue backed by an array.『8words』

15、This theory is backed by some empirical work.『8words』

16、The thing has happened — the scoundrel has backed out!『10words』

17、Bonds backed by subprime mortgages have continued tanking in 2009.『10words』

18、S&P has publicly backed the removal of ratings from rules.『10words』

19、The company backed away from plans to cut their pay by 15%.『12words』

20、An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements.『12words』



21、Now investors, worried about the value of the mortgage-backed debt, are boycotting the commercial paper.『15words』

22、The authors said the research, if backed up, could have substantial implications for clinical practice.『15words』

23、One way to make capital available for new loans is to sell mortgage backed mortgage-backed securities.『16words』

24、Brussels must impose stricter fiscal rules on southerners, backed by the threat of expulsion from the euro.『17words』

25、By contrast, housing markets remain almost wholly reliant on government-backed agencies to package and guarantee mortgage-backed securities (MBSs).『18words』

26、Twice as many evangelical Protestants in Iowa backed Mr Huckabee as backed Mr Romney, with the rest of the field nowhere.『21words』

27、Evergrande, which is facing concerns about its aggressive acquisitions backed by rising debt, has secured regulatory approval in recent weeks for the takeover of state-backed Calxon.『26words』

28、How to evaluate the venture-backed enterprise is the base of venture capital. The conventional way has not been able to evaluate the venture-backed enterprise's value accurately.『26words』

29、Two rival camps introduced high-definition DVD players last year: a consortium called Blu-ray, backed by Sony and others, and a group called HD-DVD, backed by Toshiba and Microsoft.『28words』

30、Though backing up of data is universally accepted as a mandatory business process, it is also important to understand what data must be backed up and what data should not be backed up.『33words』

