

1、She got good grades.『4words』

2、Alex's grades were bad.『4words』

3、Red grades into orange.『4words』

4、borderline grades; marginal writing ability.『5words』

5、You must have good grades.『5words』



6、Are you in different grades『5words』

7、Potatoes are sold in grades.『5words』

8、a judge who assigns grades to something.『7words』

9、Secondary education comprised grades ten through twelve.『7words』

10、Because your grades in English are bad,『7words』



11、Obtain good grades for all the courses.『7words』

12、Superfluous information; driving licence or school grades.『7words』

13、Michael has won two awards for his excellent grades.『9words』

14、My grades are not bad, but not good enough.『9words』

15、Of these two primary grades all other grades were varieties.『10words』

16、The primary grades in school are grades one through three.『10words』

17、Standard of civil architecture grades for forestry bureau (forestry centre)『10words』

18、Many attain the grades normally needed to get into university.『10words』

19、Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher.『10words』

20、Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before application of paints and related products『15words』



21、There are no grades of vanity, there are only grades of ability in concealing it.『15words』

22、So, those new grades are just my grades, not the real grades, not the world grades.『16words』

23、The standard provides 6 grades above and 6 grades below the middling grade. The most common grades are:『18words』

24、USDA grades choice and select are the next highest in marbling, respectively. Most grocery stores offer these grades.『18words』

25、Sternberg & Williams found GRE scores were only modest predictors of first year grades but not second year grades.『19words』

26、Students strive to get high grades because of their belief that high grades will translate to higher salary levels.『19words』

27、Primary education ran from grades one through six; grades seven, eight, and nine were handled in intermediate or junior high schools.『21words』

28、As far as different grades are concerned, there is no significant difference in learning attitude among senior high school students of different grades.『23words』

29、Final course grades, including summer session grades and makeup exam grades, are calculated based on routine assessments including regular quizzes, midterm exams, final exams, etc.『25words』

30、There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.『28words』

