

1、financial leverage『2words』

2、Economic lever (/leverage)『3words』

3、fiscal leverage measure『3words』

4、“Stars" have more leverage.『4words』

5、That's pretty damn good leverage.『5words』



6、The leverage is very high.『5words』

7、The leverage point is very important.『6words』

8、Use as much leverage as possible.『6words』

9、Across the Atlantic, leverage will remain constrained.『7words』

10、We have no leverage with those countries.『7words』



11、When leverage works, it magnifies your gains.『7words』

12、The leverage simply lies in China's credit growth.『8words』

13、Mate relations of strategic leverage and core competence;『8words』

14、You leverage Grape via annotations and method calls.『8words』

15、There is very little leverage in you working hard.『9words』

16、It's the secretary's man; I have a lot of leverage.『10words』

17、Positioning a product to leverage a fad is a common mistake.『11words』

18、That gives Xie, Zhou and Zhu remarkable leverage over global markets.『11words』

19、Where can leverage around a fixed point and rotating Yingbang, may be regarded as "leverage."『15words』

20、If the database was ever not available, we could not leverage it for database recoverability.『15words』



21、The first way you can push through the muck is to use your goals as leverage.『16words』

22、This would give the company volume for its PowerPC devices and leverage for other PowerPC offerings.『16words』

23、Single-entity recognition might give credit-card networks and chain restaurants additional leverage over their employees and customers.『16words』

24、Leverage multiplies the power of your business because with leverage, every dollar you make in profit is multiplied.『18words』

25、Whenever a major LBO deal is announced, there is analysis of the incurred debt and related leverage terms.『18words』

26、The IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is used to identify the best practices to leverage in that business context.『18words』

27、In summary of the importance of mental leverage, I restate that your reality is simply what you think is real.『20words』

28、Such a high leverage ratio makes investors extremely nervous, even if a large portion of that leverage ends up being relatively benign government agency debt.『25words』

29、“Policymakers seem to have concluded that leverage got us into this mess and leverage can get us out," quipped Stephen Stanley, an economist at RBS Greenwich Capital.『27words』

30、We found that operation risks and bankrupt costs of enterprises could have positive impacts on leverage ratio, while pay-out ratio of dividends may have negative impact on leverage ratio.『29words』

