

1、The banker recovered.『3words』

2、(in gambling) the banker『4words』

3、associate banker of collection『4words』

4、Put on banker please.『4words』

5、Mr. Thomson is a banker.『5words』



6、Illustrate the banker had thought.『5words』

7、And no banker is indispensable.『5words』

8、Eric Walsh, an American banker『5words』

9、Unless you're a banker in Ireland.『6words』

10、--'By a Paris banker, my correspondent.'『6words』



11、The banker produced a proposed agenda.『6words』

12、The banker gave a start of surprise.『7words』

13、Don't just blindly follow what the banker says.『8words』

14、The banker chuckled and said, "Of course not."『8words』

15、Katharine's father used to be a successful investment banker.『9words』

16、The companies get advice from the banker as well.『9words』

17、No one says that being a central banker is easy.『10words』

18、Even good publicity could make a banker uppity, disloyal and limelight-seeking.『11words』

19、Pinkerton the banker and two or three other well-to-do men planned country-seats--but waited.『13words』

20、One banker is optimistic that most of Belgians' offshore billions will eventually return home.『14words』



21、Although she was the daughter of a Dutch baroness and a wealthy English banker.『14words』

22、A cheque is a bill of exchange drawn on a banker payable on demand.『14words』

23、They discussed the son of the pork - packer and the son of the village banker.『16words』

24、But who wants to rely on livid voters and banker-bashing politicians when private cash is available?『16words』

25、She was as important to the department as the snot-nosed junior banker giving her the work.『16words』

26、Bob Dillon, a banker from the United States, is talking with a Japanese banker about the financial and monetary system in Japan.『22words』

27、More importantly, the Chinese institution investors have the special bias of "Being the banker" and the individual investors usually follow the banker.『22words』

28、“Where the banker on whom a crossed cheque is drawn, in good faith and without negligence, pays it, if crossed generally, to a banker, "『25words』

29、“Where a cheque is crossed specially to more than one banker, except when crossed to an agent for collection being a banker, the banker on whom it is drawn shall refuse payment thereof."『33words』

30、“When a bill payable to order on demand is drawn on a banker, and the banker on whom it is drawn pays the bill in good faith and in the ordinary course of business,"『34words』

