

1、dismiss an apprentice『3words』

2、To dismiss corrupt officials『4words』

3、to dismiss his appeal『4words』

4、Don't dismiss that possibility entirely.『5words』

5、Rational economists dismiss his warnings.『5words』



6、Reason for Quit: Company dismiss.『5words』

7、Creationists, though, dismiss these fossil studies.『6words』

8、Some experts dismiss such complaints, however.『6words』

9、Click Close to dismiss the window.『6words』

10、They dismiss the rumours as ridiculous.『6words』



11、Which ones can you dismiss for now?『7words』

12、They dismiss the Brahmins as sweet and thin.『8words』

13、A judge declined to dismiss the case in February.『9words』

14、He tried to dismiss from his mind the horrible thoughts.『10words』

15、The board has filed a motion to dismiss the suit.『10words』

16、A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator.『10words』

17、Let us dismiss it from our lives and replace it with love.『12words』

18、How can we dismiss nearly 10 million of China's intellectuals at one stroke?『13words』

19、IT is easy to dismiss the "reset" in Russian-American relationship as mainly puff.『13words』

20、The judge asked the whole group to dismiss the lawyer's remark from their minds.『14words』



21、According to the SHRM survey, 53% of respondents plan to dismiss employees from various levels.『15words』

22、The president has gone out of his way to dismiss speculation over the future of the economy.『17words』

23、In assessing the achievement of progressivism, one should not dismiss lightly the political changes that it effected.『17words』

24、The company has since filed a motion to dismiss the suit, and a hearing is expected in September.『18words』

25、It is hereby proclaimed that the Board of Directors has dismiss M. Song Ming from the post of General Manager.『20words』

26、If you dismiss failure, learn from it, and quickly move on with a positive attitude your team will do likewise.『20words』

27、This makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements, but especially those made by the scientists who present themselves as 'experts'.『21words』

28、They were like "children, " and loving families could simply dismiss their lack of social graces because now they were so much happier.『23words』

29、Unable to dismiss his proposals as crazy radicalism, the other candidates have to be both bolder and more detailed than they would like.『23words』

30、This article analyzes the cause of the establishment and dismiss of Malayan Peoples Anti - Japanese Army from the perspective of English colonial policy.『24words』

