1、Xiangzi lowered his head.『4words』
2、We lowered our voices.『4words』
3、The sailors lowered a lifeboat.『5words』
4、The stocks lowered in value.『5words』
5、She raised / lowered her veil.『6words』
6、Miss Tang just lowered her head.『6words』
7、She lowered her face to her hands.『7words』
8、You will find your vitality is lowered.『7words』
9、Tom Hagen lowered his head and smiled.『7words』
10、She lowered her eyes and said nothing.『7words』
11、The ship lowered a boat which dropped astern『8words』
12、Income taxes skyrocketed and tax allowances were lowered.『8words』
13、There is lowered pain tolerance, lowered resistance to infection.『9words』
14、Parachutes lowered the Mercury spacecraft to the ocean surface.『9words』
15、lowered body resistance to colds, flu, or other diseases;『9words』
16、Her courage was lowered to zero by her physical lassitude.『10words』
17、Stars, I defy you!@ He lowered his head and became silent.『11words』
18、The herder lowered himself as custom demanded, on his knees, eyes downward.『12words』
19、She darted an interested glance at the handsome newcomer from under lowered eyelids.『13words』
20、Exercise also lowered the risk of a specific type of leukemia by 20 percent.『14words』
21、He lowered his voice and leaned closer, with his cigarette-stub stuck to his lower lip.『15words』
22、Climate shifts have alternately raised and lowered the lake's water levels, sometimes nearly drying it out completely.『17words』
23、Inside the lantern is a conical mirror which can be lowered to improve lighting conditions for broadcasters.『17words』
24、Some studies suggest that catharsis leads to reductions in tension and a lowered likelihood of future aggression.『17words』
25、Article16 The National Flag, when hoisted or lowered from a vertical staff, shall be hoisted or lowered slowly.『18words』
26、The results showed that SOD activity was enhanced, LPO content lowered, infarct size reduced and infarct degree lowered.『18words』
27、AP over A :(2 when raised, 1 when lowered )Races not started are postponed. No more racing today.『18words』
28、And then the vapor pressure of both substances above gets lowered. Anybody want to guess why they got lowered?『19words』
29、Results The adhering rate of PMNs to PMEC was obviously lowered by the adding of L-selectin mAb and sulfatide.『19words』
30、We lowered the rating on Greek sovereign debt to BBB, and spreads stayed just below levels for AA rated bonds. But when we lowered the rating to BB, we saw spreads hit CCC bond levels.『35words』