


2、UNHCR visits Afghanistan『3words』

3、Hilary Clinton visits Ethiopia.『4words』

4、Mr. Pan visits him.『4words』

5、He often visits other countries.『5words』



6、My mother never visits me.『5words』

7、The visits are still on.『5words』

8、he visits the deserted planetarium;『5words』

9、The doctor visits us at intervals.『6words』

10、She made periodical visits to her dentist.『7words』



11、Year after year he visits the grave.『7words』

12、I'll have to discontinue these weekly visits.『7words』

13、The priest makes pastoral visits every Wednesday.『7words』

14、My uncle usually visits our family on Saturdays.『8words』

15、Maybe they'll develop an allergy to future visits.『8words』

16、He has no office, and visits his restaurants in rotation.『10words』

17、It was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved.『10words』

18、Over time the visits to the attic became less scary.『10words』

19、Recent visits to Oklahoma, Houston and Mexico seem a lot like campaign trips.『13words』

20、In India, pilot project will track maternal and child health visits via cell phones.『14words』



21、May take the suspected case, must further carry on the epidemiology to compel visits.『14words』

22、After several visits to the Marlton, NJ Healing Rooms, all the ear pain is gone.『15words』

23、The focus shifts to food, with visits to artisanal cheese, wine and olive oil producers.『15words』

24、`who visits frequently' is a relative clause in the sentence `John, who visits frequently, is ill'.『16words』

25、The time, place and contents of receiving visits shall be published at the mass media before receiving visits.『18words』

26、Suppliers will be advised of these visits in advance but we reserve the right to make unannounced visits too.『19words』

27、Because she often visits markets and small out-of-the-way places, she sees much more of the country she visits than an ordinary tourist would.『23words』

28、According to Hitwise, 37% of all visits to Twitter last Friday were from new visitors, and Twitter's overall share of U.S. Internet visits increased 24% on Friday.『27words』

29、Among the participants, 12 reported a dramatic response in tic control after two visits (plus video training), 13 had those results after three visits, and one after four visits.『29words』

30、The past two years have seen good-will visits by Chinese naval vessels to New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Tanzania and South Africa, and visits to China by naval vessels from France, Russia, Australia, Malaysia, Belgium, Canada and Turkey.『39words』

