

1、an agile mind/brain『3words』

2、Susan is an agile ballerine.『5words』

3、Everyone wants to distribute agile.『5words』

4、But don't call it agile.『5words』

5、Limber or agile in movement.『5words』



6、Strategic application of agile methods.『5words』

7、an agile mind [ wit ]『6words』

8、How was the term "agile" conceived?『6words』

9、More support for agile development processes.『6words』

10、Refactoring is indispensable for agile teams.『6words』



11、Legacy programmers can be agile too.『6words』

12、Problems Not Solved by CMMI nor agile.『7words』

13、Her nose is very agile, ear is very perceptive.『9words』

14、Studies on agile value system and method for agile enterprise;『10words』

15、The agile measurement of agile enterprises is a necessary step.『10words』

16、It's surprisingly agile when taking turns, and smooth when accelerating.『10words』

17、This installment rectifies the lack of material about agile architecture.『10words』

18、Do you provide significant organizational roadblock removal for agile teams?『10words』

19、I'm a firm believer in being as agile as possible.『10words』

20、We didn't call it agile, we didn't know it was agile.『11words』



21、As agile development is growing in popularity, so is the number of agile processes.『14words』

22、He advises to reward agile teams for demonstrating agile values such as collaboration, honesty, and transparency.『16words』

23、Agile operations - like agile development - requires a high degree of trust among all the parties.『17words』

24、Agile developers are expected to have design skills, and agile architects are expected to have coding skills.『17words』

25、To succeed with agile, you need a project management repository that supports the flavor of agile that you're interested in.『20words』

26、Agile supply chain is the key to support product innovation and to quickly respond to markets in agile virtual enterprises.『20words』

27、Others examined agile topics such as applying agile to a distributed team, or balancing process and engineering during an agile transition.『21words』

28、In her recent agile Journal article, the Three Pillars of Executive Support for agile Adoption, Esther gives readers some help making their agile transitions work.『25words』

29、So let more people understand and attach importance to the agile manufacturing systems at the same time so that more people can see the agile manufacturing system application.『28words』

30、As agile processes mature, it is critical that we as practitioners stay true to the spirit of the agile manifesto, and not be carried away by the tasks defined in the many variants of agile methods.『36words』

