

1、allied (associated) company『3words』

2、allied health professional『3words』

3、allied forces; allies『3words』

4、allied container advisory committee『4words』

5、City planning and allied studies.『5words』



6、Terms of an allied treaty『5words』

7、Dogs are allied to wolves.『5words』

8、The Italy allied itself with Germany.『6words』

9、This newspaper is allied with three others.『7words』

10、The onion is allied to the lily.『7words』



11、The prince allied himself with the Scots.『7words』

12、Facebook, now allied to Microsoft, has fared worse.『8words』

13、The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.『9words』

14、We allied ourselves with our friends against the common enemy.『10words』

15、The townspeople allied themselves in the fight for lower taxes.『10words』

16、A number of allied nations also will use the JSF.『10words』

17、MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific.『11words』

18、She has allied herself to the West to attain certain economic aspirations.『12words』

19、small genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albiza.『12words』

20、NGC2P will be installed on Navy ships and the ships of allied nations.『13words』



21、Nissan, which is allied with Renault, did not disclose a cost for the recall.『14words』

22、But he said the the allied forces would not conduct a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.『16words』

23、Curiosity is one of the noblest human faculties and, allied with courage, drives us to transform our-selves.『17words』

24、His ability allied with his youthfulness should enable Cech to become the biggest goalkeeping name in our illustrious history.『19words』

25、It operates with all existing and planned U. s. fire support systems as well as allied field artillery C3 systems.『20words』

26、OBJECTIVE:To observe the improvement of allied application of xingding and pir acetam on cognitive function in treatment of vascular dementia.『20words』

27、Military contacts have progressed since that time as a natura1 by-product of normal political and economic relations between friendly, non-allied countries.『21words』

28、He did so to impede lateral communications within the officer corps and to prevent interoperability with nominally allied forces, including those of friendly Arab countries.『25words』

29、Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere specified or included; municipal waste; sewage sludge; other wastes specified in Note 6 to this Chapter.『26words』

30、The game is introduced: Nazi stalks the worst camp team of the defence of allied forces, the snipers of allied forces have transferred all ammunition, supported earnestly, must not let Nazi win.『32words』

