1、Alibaba’s takeover of Yahoo!『4words』
2、Legal Application in Anti-takeover;『4words』
3、a suicidal corporate takeover strategy.『5words』
4、The takeover caused 250 redundancy.『5words』
5、Microsoft could attempt a hostile takeover.『6words』
6、Profits fell sharply following the takeover.『6words』
7、The company is resisting the takeover bid.『7words』
8、The takeover of BCE may be different.『7words』
9、suicidal impulses; a suicidal corporate takeover strategy.『7words』
10、Their rival company is planning a hostile takeover.『8words』
11、The takeover of LVMH was full of problems.『8words』
12、This series of articles does not address takeover configuration.『9words』
13、IT LOOKS, in a way, like a stealth takeover.『9words』
14、Regarding to hostile takeover, many target companies take anti-takeover measures.『10words』
15、That could mean less local fuss about a foreign takeover.『10words』
16、The activity of takeover excited the intense anti-takeover of target company.『11words』
17、You can then issue the takeover command on the standby machine.『11words』
18、The company's flagging performance has also spurred talk of a takeover.『11words』
19、Over the weekend its nine-member board unanimously rejected his takeover proposal.『11words』
20、Takeover agreement is now the main way of takeover adopted by listed company in China.『15words』
21、Yet slimmed down to two highly profitable businesses, could Danone itself become a takeover target?『15words』
22、After the communist takeover, Moganshan retreated into obscurity, with many of the mansions crumbling into ruin.『16words』
23、Hostile Takeover and Anti-takeover of Chinese Listed Companies Seen from the Case of Shengli Stock s Anti-takeover;『17words』
24、This time Mr Brancher is accused of alleged embezzlement in the 2005 takeover battle for Antonveneta, a bank.『18words』
25、Hostile takeover, compared to friendly takeover, gets its name for the characteristic of hostility toward target company by bidder.『19words』
26、It is now an obvious takeover target for a big Western oil company or an ambitious Asian state-owned firm.『19words』
27、We therefore decided to have a mutual takeover scenario, with DB2 UDB ESE V8.1, and two instances per server.『19words』
28、Share price soar on the news of the takeover bid or the news of the takeover bid send share price soaring.『21words』
29、Anti-takeover means that the target company's management prevent or resist a hostile takeover in order to prevent the transfer of control of the company.『24words』
30、A hostile takeover has great impact on the directors of the target company because the directors will probably lose their job or reputation once the takeover is consummated.『28words』