

1、Harsh criticism that wounds.『4words』

2、Time heals all wounds.『4words』

3、used in dressing wounds.『4words』

4、There were two visible wounds.『5words』

5、his bleeding wounds; bleeding heart.『5words』



6、Of their wounds and bruises.『5words』

7、Their redux reopens old wounds.『5words』

8、His wounds were not life-threatening.『5words』

9、It also helps wounds heal quickly.『6words』

10、Dead from wounds and other causes.『6words』



11、Study of hydrogel for residual burn wounds『7words』

12、How beautiful are your wounds, Lord Jesus.『7words』

13、the bullet split into four fragments,no exit wounds.『8words』

14、Forgive me, open wounds, for pricking my finger.『8words』

15、As you go east, the wounds are rawer.『8words』

16、On stage, she bleeds from simulated stab wounds.『8words』

17、The disappointed losers crawled home to lick their wounds .『10words』

18、He died from the wounds he had received to his chest.『11words』

19、Thus it is suitable for the dressing of large wounds, multiple wounds and amputation wounds.『15words』

20、Night is for those who have wounds, where others can not see, licking their wounds.『15words』



21、Powdery bottom to conceal skin flaws, smile to cover up the wounds of the heart.『15words』

22、New wounds and old wounds can't be repaired, but courage is the only self saving weapon.『16words』

23、Results It showed that the treatment group had better clinical efficacy whether to the new wounds or old wounds.『19words』

24、Conclusion: The one of mechanisms of CQBG effecting wounds healing are it enhance the level of EGF in wounds.『19words』

25、He was very thirsty, his wounds had stiffened, and one of the wounds in his left arm was very painful.『20words』

26、Moreover, Xia Zhen is not only afraid of pain, but also of seeing wounds, especially serious wounds touching flesh and blood.『21words』

27、There is one chance to open wounds per strike. The chances from different sources are summed up to determine the final chance to open wounds.『25words』

28、Previous studies have shown that Manuka honey decreases the surface pH of wounds and can promote healing by helping to drain wounds and keep bacteria out.『26words』

29、Conclusion VAC technique can effectively control inflammation and expedite the formation of granulation tissue and reepithelization of acute wounds, so significantly promote the wounds to repair.『26words』

30、Some of the actors were pulling cloths off their arms and legs and rubbing off" wounds" - - not real wounds, but wounds painted on their skins.『27words』


下一篇:allergic to造句,用allergic to怎么造句子(30句)