

1、opposing block protection『3words』

2、Contrary or counter; opposing.『4words』

3、A reverse or opposing action.『5words』

4、excessive intolerance of opposing views.『5words』

5、Is that what he's opposing『5words』



6、We were in opposing camps.『5words』

7、Listen openly to their opposing opinion.『6words』

8、gave the opposing team the treatment.『6words』

9、The opposing side demanded an adjournment.『6words』

10、Having the lanes for opposing traffic separated『7words』



11、We spotted the opposing team two goals.『7words』

12、being an opposing principle or force or factor.『8words』

13、Eighth, we must go on opposing Han chauvinism.『8words』

14、She earned a black mark for opposing company policy.『9words』

15、Research into developing the Chinese juvenile basketball players opposing ability;『10words』

16、Their team edged out the opposing team by one point.『10words』

17、The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.『11words』

18、Such opposing philosophies grow out of different traditions and power structures.『11words』

19、His article shows great dialectical skill in uniting the two opposing elements.『12words』

20、It is time for opposing factions to unite and work towards a common goal.『14words』



21、I have a friend who has the opposing view and felt that the war was immoral.『16words』

22、The Georgian leader said in a radio broadcast that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides.『17words』

23、Now, strong and systematical underdog group in China were opposing the benefit of winner group under winner.『17words』

24、A struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.『17words』

25、Such groups may not give sufficient weight to opposing views or fully reflect nuances in the subject.『17words』

26、There is no shortage of singular numbers in the world, especially in love, either accepting such rules or opposing them.『20words』

27、Another difference between Isiah and Chris is that everybody actually likes Chris, both opposing players and even fans of opposing teams.『21words』

28、Therefore, the problem is to concentrate all our strength on opposing and checking Japan and Wang Ching-wei, and not on opposing and checking the Communist Party.『26words』

29、Because ethical relativists do not consider the psychological situation in which people moralize, they are inclined to interpret opposing practices as signs of opposing systems of value.『27words』

30、A gate dielectric layer and a gate electrode are formed on the top surface, the opposing sidewalls of the fin and on the bottom and on the opposing sidewalls of the recess in the fin.『35words』

