

1、Pay maintenance fees『3words』

2、Tuition fees (refer above)『4words』

3、Annual boarding fees are $10,350.『5words』

4、Your fees cannot be remitted.『5words』

5、Her fees are sky high.『5words』



6、Lawyer's fees can be substantial.『5words』

7、Table 1. eBay Developers Program fees.『6words』

8、Read more about the customs fees.『6words』

9、Membership and subscription fees are not refundable.『7words』

10、Frustration is success should pay tuition fees.『7words』



11、4 ways to swat foreign travel fees.『7words』

12、Registration fees and number fees are payable upon registration.『9words』

13、Registration fees and Accommodation Search Fees are NON REFUNDABLE『9words』

14、Many countries levy special taxes and fees on tourists.『9words』

15、All-inclusive price includes green fees, cart fees, caddie fees and lockers fees『12words』

16、Bank fees (service charges, ATM fees, NSF fees - don't include interest).『12words』

17、The "direct engineering fees" consists of direct fees and other direct fees.『12words』

18、Other than entry fees, what fees will winners be obligated to pay?『12words』

19、Prices reflect all fees, teacher/ professor fees, application fees, housing, board, books, etc.『13words』

20、Public schooling is truly free: no book fees, no music fees, no athletic fees.『14words』



21、The "indirect fees" consists of enterprise management fees, financial costs and on-the-spot funds, etc.『14words』

22、Franchise fees refer to the fees paid by the franchisee for obtaining the franchise rights.『15words』

23、Cargo and shipping agencies cannot purchase exchange to pay international shipping fees and relevant fees.『15words』

24、Medicine fees and treatment fees must be especially decreased in controlling the non - rational increase of medical fees.『19words』

25、Above fees including 18 holes green fees, utility fees, car fees, drinks, insurance, Caddy fees, dinner, gifts and ball prizes.『20words』

26、If you don't owe anyone money, you won't have to worry about late fees, interest, annual fees or over-the-limit fees.『20words』

27、The present designer must collect fees, specially the die sinking pulls, certainly will collect fees, where will have pulls does not collect fees『23words』

28、I. We agree to your application for collecting fees from the parties concerned in arbitration cases, which includes case acceptance fees and case handling fees.『25words』

29、Please note that courses may involve examinations. Exam fees, awarding body registration fees and materials fees are not included in the course price. Please ask for details.『27words』

30、Fees include air fare, tuition fees, room and board, hotel fees, transportation costs in China and Canada, admission fees for sightseeing and activities fees, and health insurance fees.『28words』

