

1、Red said stepping nearer.『4words』

2、Draw your chair nearer,please.『4words』

3、Relocate gates nearer heavy sections『5words』

4、He's nearer 70 than 60.『5words』

5、She took a step nearer.『5words』



6、It's nearer to the production area.『6words』

7、To draw near or nearer; approach.『6words』

8、Row nearer, Mole, nearer to the reeds!『7words』

9、Then, , as the traveler nearer drew.『7words』

10、Quick, Pinocchio, the monster is coming nearer『7words』



11、He drew his chair nearer the fire.『7words』

12、he edged nearer and nearer toward the pansy;『8words』

13、Earth lies further out, nearer the galactic 'rim'.『8words』

14、Please push the table nearer to the wall.『8words』

15、Nobody is nearer (to) his heart than his daughter.『9words』

16、He was being pulled nearer and nearer to the water.『10words』

17、The boat is nearer and nearer to the small island.『10words』

18、The end was indeed nearer than even the Rat suspected.『10words』

19、He moved his chair nearer (to) [away from] the fire.『10words』

20、The party came nearer and nearer, and soon reached the top.『11words』



21、Peter had noticed how the rash Thistlefinch had gone nearer and nearer to the dangerous spot.『16words』

22、 Seeing the nearer and nearer the Spring Festival, my mother longed for me to go home.『17words』

23、The terrible motor-car drew slowly nearer and nearer, till at last he heard it stop just short of him.『19words』

24、and as he moved from side to side, in his efforts, he edged nearer and nearer toward the pansy;『19words』

25、 Slow music in the distance grew louder and louder, and the screams on the stairs grew nearer and nearer.『20words』

26、The sun in the west was a drop of burning gold that slid nearer and nearer the sill of the world.『21words』

27、As we creep nearer and nearer to cold weather, I thought I'd give you a quick update on my apartment-sized Victory Garden.『22words』

28、A snake-like stream of black monsters, each with a pair of blinding lights for eyes, their horns blaring, bore down upon him, nearer and nearer『25words』

29、He tugged at the thin ropes, and nearer and nearer came the circle of flat corks, and the net rose at last to the top of the water.『28words』

30、And thus much of woman was there in Hester, that she could scarcely forgive him -- least of all now, when the heavy footstep of their approaching Fate might be heard, nearernearernearer『34words』

