be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子

1、We'll be able to fly.『5words』

2、You'll never be able to rehearse.『6words』

3、They will be able to think.『6words』

4、Jackets should be able to be buttoned.『7words』

5、Candidates must be able to communicate effectively.『7words』

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子

6、A politician must be able to communicate.『7words』

7、You'll be able to win prizes galore.『7words』

8、They need to be able to exchange data.『8words』

9、You have to believe to be able to do.『9words』

10、We are anxious to be able to serve you.『9words』

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子

11、Witches also were said to be able to fly.『9words』

12、I think most people will be able to come.『9words』

13、Don't wait to have time, to be able to serve.『10words』

14、The ITF needs to be able to invoke secure services.『10words』

15、Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?『10words』

16、Hopefully Preston will be able to help me as well.『10words』

17、You'll also be able to download weather and news widgets.『10words』

18、You should be able to access all of the closures.『10words』

19、to be able to bear or endure; to be able to withstand『12words』

20、You don't have to be able to integrate polynomials to be successful.『12words』

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)

be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子

21、The whole point is to be seen to pay and to be able to pay.『15words』

22、You will be able to crack the ticket. You will be able to plunder the lottery.『16words』

23、To be able to enter RACES, you have to be a member of a triathlon club.『16words』

24、You don't have to be Hemingway, but you have to be able to express ideas clearly.『16words』

25、What twill you be able to do? He will be able to travel all over the world.『17words』

26、When one is able to recognize the deities during the bardo state, one will be able to be liberated.『19words』

27、Some people may not be able to talk at all, or only be able to whisper or croak .『19words』

28、Quiet and peaceful, peaceful and able to decide after setting, but can be wise, intelligent and able to understand, understand and be able to get back.『26words』

29、It would sure be nice to be able to choose which operation in the queue to Undo and to be able to leave intervening—but valid—operations untouched.『26words』

30、To be eligible to repay, the Banks had to be able to issue new shares to private investors and to be able to borrow without government guarantees.『27words』

以上是为大家整理的“be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)”,转载请注明:。
