


2、claimed by the Crown.『4words』

3、He claimed political asylum.『4words』

4、They energetically claimed celestial blessing.『5words』

5、Have you claimed your mileage?『5words』



6、Have you claimed (the insurance) yet?『6words』

7、Practitioners in each field claimed advances.『6words』

8、Zhuang claimed the record in 54.64 seconds.『7words』

9、A most unwelcome event claimed his attention.『7words』

10、Nor is it protectionism, claimed Mr Barroso.『7words』



11、They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile.『9words』

12、He claimed he had no prior knowledge of the protest.『10words』

13、the territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its own.『10words』

14、No terrorist group claimed responsibility for the bombings by Tuesday.『10words』

15、A specification of the task that is to be claimed.『10words』

16、The specification of how many tasks are expected to be claimed.『11words』

17、He claimed that he killed the burglar; The guru claimed many followers.『12words』

18、Jiang Qing claimed that few Westerners understand the traditional absoluteness of authority.『12words』

19、Now the owner of the wagon claimed the colt as his own.『12words』

20、In 1841, Northup met two men who claimed to be from a circus.『13words』



21、DE Icaza claimed that WPF is not yet widely used by developers at this point.『15words』

22、He said, 'Had you ever blamed him for telling lies before he claimed what he claimed『16words』

23、Then as now, industry groups claimed that any attempt to limit emissions would inflict grievous economic harm.『17words』

24、Eating fast food after a workout may be just as beneficial as dietary supplements, a study has claimed.『18words』

25、When a human task is invoked, it is either in the ready (not yet claimed) or the claimed state.『19words』

26、In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.『19words』

27、It could be claimed that in order to make everything in heritage more 'real', historical accuracy must be increasingly altered.『20words』

28、Before his immense age turned him into a national treasure for thinkers of all stripes and none, greens claimed him, and he was happy to be claimed.『27words』

29、Cagliari owner Massimo Cellino claimed yesterday that he attempted to make contact with Moratti regarding the change of sales plan, but the oil tycoon claimed that was rubbish.『28words』

30、The United States claimed that the border between Texas and Mexico should be the Rio Grande River, while the Mexicans claimed the border was farther north at the Nueces River.『30words』


上一篇:be able to造句,用be able to怎么造句子(30句)