

1、Share, don't annoy.『3words』

2、She tends to annoy people.『5words』

3、To harass or annoy persistently『5words』

4、To annoy, pester, or harass.『5words』

5、They incidentally annoy their friends.『5words』



6、injure,annoy or offend(sb)because of spite『5words』

7、That will annoy the disarmament crowd.『6words』

8、Your crackle begins to annoy me.『6words』

9、deliberate attempt to annoy or provoke sb『7words』

10、Please don't annoy me, I'm busying now!『7words』



11、His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me.『7words』

12、Sure scenes like these no troubles e'er annoy『8words』

13、a masculine cadence; the masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy'.『9words』

14、These practices will alienate some customers and annoy others.『9words』

15、If you annoy me much more, I'll box your ears.『10words』

16、To try to embarrass and annoy(another)by questions, gibes, or objections;badger.『10words』

17、They annoy me in stores, and will annoy me at home.『11words』

18、A suspicion began to annoy him and consume his enormous willpower.『11words』

19、This seemed to annoy Professor Steiner. "Don't play games with me," he thundered.『13words』

20、to disturb; to stir; to annoy; to bother; to harass; to cause trouble『13words』



21、They ticked by sluggishly, almost as if they were doing it just to annoy me.『15words』

22、It seems that you persist in trying to annoy me. What is your purpose for doing this?『17words』

23、In his fear lest he might fatigue or annoy the convalescent, he stepped behind him to smile.『17words』

24、Due to its presence, it makes us emotionally unstable, easily mad and frustrated, annoy to other people.『17words』

25、Be careful not to annoy him he's got a quick temper, ie he becomes angry very readily.『17words』

26、I am convinced that some people complain just to annoy me, for something to do, or they simply enjoy complaining.『20words』

27、The attention he bestowed on me was beginning to annoy his wife. And it's part of my policy never to annoy wives.『22words』

28、No city government, easy to lose, easy to lose a mess, easy to invite people not to see, speak straight, honest, easy to annoyannoying.『25words』

29、I wanted her to know that I would put every thread through every needle in Davao City just to make her stay, even if it did annoy me.『28words』

30、There are four conditions for accomplishments. First, we must stand up to annoy and annoy. Two, we must endure indignation. Three, we must endure setbacks. Four, we must endure time. To be a man, everything must be able to bear.『40words』

