

1、The rocket soared skywards.『4words』

2、The seagulls soared then dived.『5words』

3、Birds soared over the hills.『5words』

4、The building soared above us.『5words』

5、Unemployment has soared to 18%.『5words』



6、The temperature soared to 80 f.『6words』

7、The prices of new cars have soared.『7words』

8、The risk premium on Brazil's bonds soared.『7words』

9、Inflation has soared while productivity has dwindled.『7words』

10、By 2007 it had soared to 140%.『7words』



11、Betty Crocker did it, and the sales soared.『8words』

12、Steroids soared in popularity among high school students.『8words』

13、Schnoor said prices soared threefold in early 2008.『8words』

14、Belgium was hit hardest as its borrowing costs soared.『9words』

15、From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights.『10words』

16、Trade imbalance with different partners became imminent when the trade surplus soared.『12words』

17、Nonetheless, after another six months, the bamboos soared to 100 feet high.『12words』

18、Over the last two years profits have soared while employment has remained disastrously high.『14words』

19、Gold soared and dipped but mostly soared through 2009, hitting record high after record high.『15words』

20、As the stock-trading volume soared, data systems across the stock market began to bog down.『15words』



21、As obesity rates have soared, some researchers have focused on individuals' genetic predisposition for gaining weight.『16words』

22、The number of 'grey gappers' picking up their backpacks and setting off on foreign adventures has soared.『17words』

23、Imports, which soared to $200.3 billion in the month, are subtracted in the calculation of gross domestic product.『18words』

24、In fact America's productivity growth soared during the recession as firms sacked workers faster than their output fell.『18words』

25、The movie might have been partly salvageable if Nineteen Hundred's music soared to the heights everyone claims it does.『19words』

26、For the past five years though, the popularity of ballroom dancing has soared thanks to a reality TV show.『19words』

27、Above, hill after hill soared upwards until they soared out of the depth of the hardiest timber, and stood naked against the sky.『23words』

28、Spot prices for legacy parts soared by more than 20 percent amid fears that supply will remain tight due to lack of capacity.『23words』

29、Although I am a rather reticent individual by nature, I made the most of the oral presentations in class. And soon my confidence level soared.『25words』

30、The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared.『26words』

