

1、But investors are wary.『4words』

2、Some consumers are wary.『4words』

3、But analysts were still wary.『5words』

4、The US taxpayer is wary.『5words』

5、Be wary of this term.『5words』



6、Some children are wary of strangers.『6words』

7、Some airlines, however, are wary of gearboxes.『7words』

8、Investors have every right to be wary.『7words』

9、Peter's wide grin was wary and uncertain.『7words』

10、She felt uncomfortable and she was wary.『7words』



11、Israel is casting a wary eye toward Iran.『8words』

12、Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.『8words』

13、wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things.『9words』

14、Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.『9words』

15、But van Manen is wary of doing the simple thing.『10words』

16、Mostly, however, the small herds are wary and hard to approach.『11words』

17、You will have to be wary of your own distraction to avoid the wrenches.『14words』

18、So wary did we become that the twang of the Tambura, scared us away.『14words』

19、General Braddock might not have been defeated if he had been wary of an ambush.『15words』

20、They are similarly cautious about hiring and remain wary of adding permanent staff, the report showed.『16words』



21、Yet he was wary of projects aiming to provide a visual rendering of his novel Invisible Man.『17words』

22、The statesmen still schemed and manoeuvred as if nothing grew but the power of wary and fortunate kings.『18words』

23、I open my eyes and stare into the darkness of our bedroom, wary of falling back to sleep.『18words』

24、If an already wary Eichmann began spotting the same faces in his neighborhood, the operation would be fatally compromised.『19words』

25、We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement.『20words』

26、Mr Vilsack thinks that a cap-and-trade system will eventually win over wary farmers. “There’s a history of scepticism, ” he explains.『21words』

27、But investors should be wary of assuming the best case and scooping up the bonds of these companies, despite their double-digit yields.『22words』

28、But employers are wary of school leavers. They complain about recruits who won't listen or who fail to wake up for work.『22words』

29、But the Twi 'lek freedom fighters are wary of intervention from outside of their race, and are hesitant to trust the Jedi's efforts.『23words』

30、There were the churches—Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian—facing each other at the intersection of Second and Elm like wary sentries, their steeples competing for height.『24words』

