

1、donor-acceptor complex『2words』

2、As in organ donor.『4words』

3、hydrogen donor diluent visbreaking process『5words』

4、centralized blood donor information register『5words』

5、Another fear is donor fatigue.『5words』



6、an anonymous donor, buyer, benefactor, etc『6words』

7、With that may come donor fatigue.『6words』

8、The donor prefers to remain anonymous.『6words』

9、He is no longer the biggest donor.『7words』

10、The problem is finding a compatible donor.『7words』



11、A long round of donor conferences lies ahead.『8words』

12、She received a call from an anonymous donor.『8words』

13、And I am speaking to the international donor community.『9words』

14、Aegilops tauschii is D genome donor of common wheat.『9words』

15、But the identity of the donor is a secret.『9words』

16、Capacity of donor is one of the essential requisites of "gift".『11words』

17、Monetary and other gifts are normally deductible by the donor for tax purposes.『13words』

18、In general idea, cumulus cell is the best nuclear donor cell for reprogramming.『13words』

19、After organ transplants, t cells can attack the donor organ as a 'foreign invader'.『14words』

20、The unspoken viral video assumption is that random people on YouTube are potential donor prospects.『15words』



21、Costs are Shared between donor and recipient countries, funding institutions or third donor countries and FAO.『16words』

22、The consent of the donor should first be sought before any public commendation is extended to the donor.『18words』

23、None of the intended donor-recipient transplants were possible because of incompatibilities between the donor and the originally intended recipient.『19words』

24、Each donor exploits the best people to ensure the success of its own projects, lest another donor exploit them first.『20words』

25、At present the main effective strategies of inducing immune tolerance are donor specific blood transfusion and donor specific bone marrow transplantation.『21words』

26、Organic synthesis can be classified into two ways based upon different donor of glycosyl groups in the glycosidation, namely glycosyl-bromo-glycoside donor and acyl donor.『24words』

27、In 2004, heightened political tensions with key donor countries and general donor fatigue threatened the flow of desperately needed food aid and fuel aid.『24words』

28、If you are 18 years or older, you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.『24words』

29、If a couple knows the donor, their physician may suggest that both the couple and the donor speak with a counselor and an attorney.『24words』

30、Detection of donor-derived chimeric cells in peripheral lymphocytes of renal allograft recipients and the pilot study between donor specific bone marrow transfusion and chimerism;『24words』

