

1、Oppression usually fails.『3words』

2、This analogy fails.『3words』

3、Once the harvest fails『4words』

4、Glass always fails in tension.『5words』

5、AM fails that fools think.『5words』



6、Now it fails to compile.『5words』

7、Where it promises neutrality, it fails.『6words』

8、She writes well, but fails in imagination.『7words』

9、Obtain diagnostic information when a statement fails.『7words』

10、It kicks in where filial responsibility fails.『7words』



11、Failover is where a cluster node fails.『7words』

12、By any other standard, however, it fails miserably.『8words』

13、This operation fails, because the key already exists.『8words』

14、The application still fails with compatibility layers applied『8words』

15、Asia fails to balance currency and inflationary pressures.『8words』

16、If the test fails, the debugger is automatically invoked.『9words』

17、If one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails.『11words』

18、If he fails, it will not be for lack of steel.『11words』

19、If __call fails, the parent class method is invoked, and so on.『12words』

20、If one party fails to honor the contract, the other party is entitled to rescind it.『16words』



21、When regulation fails, genome aberrations accumulate, including repeated sequences of DNA or een entire extra chromosomes.『16words』

22、If, on the other hand, the trackback fails, an error message like Listing 3 is generated.『16words』

23、If the euro fails, then Europe fails, and we want to prevent and we will prevent this.『17words』

24、Autumn never fails, life never fails, the words between the lines are just the bruises of a breakup.『18words』

25、One who fails to measure up to a standard, especially one who fails a course of training or study.『19words』

26、Where a traffic policeman fails to pass the appraisal, he shall not take the post to perform his duties.『19words』

27、The organizer reserves the right to disqualify winners if the latter fails to be present at the Award Presentation Ceremony.『20words』

28、If a bonded warehouse fails to participate in the annual examination or fails the annual examination, the customs office shall write off its registration and withdraw its Registration Certificate.『29words』

29、Where the withholding agent fails to fulfil its obligation to withhold tax or fails to turn the tax over to the State Treasury within the prescribed time limit as provided in the law『33words』

30、If any enterprise or individual violates the provisions of the third paragraph contained in Article 28 of this Law, fails to implement cleaner production auditing, or has conducted cleaner production auditing but fails to accurately report the results thereof,『39words』

