

1、An affable smile.『3words』

2、He was perfectly affable.『4words』

3、I am affable to everyone.『5words』

4、She is affable to everyone.『5words』

5、 I am affable to everyone.『6words』



6、He is affable to his guests.『6words』

7、We all like this affable teacher.『6words』

8、Suddenly Cates' manner was almost affable.『6words』

9、My father is affable to us.『6words』

10、Yin presents himself as an affable, easy-going engineer.『8words』



11、An affable smile. He found her parents very affable.『9words』

12、He was affable at one moment, choleric the next.『9words』

13、He struck me as an affable sort of man.『9words』

14、Courteous is his virtue.-to be affable; approachable; friendly; mild『9words』

15、It was horrible to have to be affable and subservient.『10words』

16、But I think they are very affable, much like the Spanish.『11words』

17、He has not only an exquisite appearance, but an affable character.『11words』

18、Asking by has the help very much regarding the affable dyspepsia.『11words』

19、Although Lao Liu is the Secretary, everyone feels that he is approachable and affable.『14words』

20、In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures.『15words』



21、I am a WELHOME baozi. I feel that the people of WELHOME fort are the most affable.『17words』

22、In the Tang Dynasty, there was a minister called Li Yifu who was always affable and smiling.『17words』

23、He had an affable and haughty air, and a mouth which was always smiling, since it did not shut.『19words』

24、Lode sak is so affable and looks at Tang's Ling Xue's manner, which is just like a confident self.『19words』

25、For Americans, he's affable demeanor and witty repartee are a welcome antidote to the antics of the NBA's bad boys.『20words』

26、He is an average, affable young Indian, and like so many of his kind he has a sense of life's possibilities.『21words』

27、The more ambitious a person is, the more affable he feels about his beloved, the more delicate and tender he is.『21words』

28、By this, I mean that it should be flexible and affable to change without distorting its intrinsic essence to meet the systems' technical constraints.『24words』

29、He watched her with considerable curiosity at times, for she was still attractive in a way and men looked at her. She was affable, vain, subject to flattery,『28words』

30、I have developed a deep affection for English, which should be attributable to the persuasive instructions and affable assistance given by my englightening teacher in my early career.『28words』

