

1、In an orchestra, mainly.『4words』

2、He exercises mainly for fun.『5words』

3、Police work is mainly routine.『5words』

4、Where do you work mainly『5words』

5、mainly green tropical American parrots.『5words』



6、Restaurants were mainly in cities.『5words』

7、These are mainly in PDF format.『6words』

8、It's mainly about the special drugs.『6words』

9、Thicker fibre; mainly for industrial textile fabrics.『7words』

10、Wind instruments are mainly flutes and whistles.『7words』



11、Chagas disease occurs mainly in Latin America.『7words』

12、Did you concentrate mainly on form or content?『8words』

13、Error correcting code mainly includes block code and convolutional code.『10words』

14、Human apperceives and understands the outer world mainly by vision.『10words』

15、This paper mainly studies the harmonics impaction caused by EAF.『10words』

16、The selecting rules are mainly position resolution, receiving FOV, sensitivity.『10words』

17、The flat character tends to serve mainly as a motivating factor.『11words』

18、The company mainly to the processing machinery mainly in the oil field services.『13words』

19、Some Dominicans (who are mainly mulatto) have a racist attitude to mainly black Haitians.『14words』

20、Synsedimentary anticline traps mainly distribute in Mangya depression, and mainly develop in the middle-shallow layers (N23-Q1 + 2).『18words』



21、Although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form a mainly white gerontocracy.『18words』

22、Reservoir rocks of lower Paleozoic mainly include dolomite and limestone; reservoir rocks of upper Paleozoic mainly include sandstone reservoir.『19words』

23、Slurry is mainly refers to the bottom of a restructuring in the refinery catalytic unit, mainly used as fuel.『19words』

24、Nanning, near Vietnam, exquisite handicrafts padauk more, so I mainly sell Vietnamese Division rosewood furniture, sculpture and crafts mainly Aquilaria.『20words』

25、Oil chickens are mainly grown in pastoral areas, mainly stocked on Banpo or grassland, and mainly fed on grass and insects.『21words』

26、For lines mainly underground, plant investment takes up about 33%; for lines mainly ground and overhead, plant investment represents about 40%.『21words』

27、The stain of the solvent external coating is mainly adhesive stain, the stain of the latex coating is mainly absorbedly one.『21words』

28、The mainly reservoir of Jinzhou 9-3 oil field is mainly delta sediments, composed of pebbly sandstone, sandstone, fine sandstone and siltstone, lithologic composition.『23words』

29、Officials at the provincial level mainly organized Shandong army to suppress the Nien and grass-roots officials mainly organized local civil corps to strengthen defense.『24words』

30、So Higher Education mainly trains the Academic Brain in the phase of Elite Education and mainly trains Applicative Talents in the phase of Mass Higher Education.『26words』

