

1、I once wondered.『3words』

2、'Why now?' she wondered hazily.『5words』

3、I wondered, Emperor's New Clothes?『5words』

4、I often wondered my ancestry.『5words』

5、 They wondered at his learning.『6words』



6、“Have I become socialist?" he wondered.『6words』

7、He wondered idly what would happen.『6words』

8、His head ached and he wondered idly.『7words』

9、We wondered, "Are bilinguals better at multitasking?"『7words』

10、Which is not to be wondered at.『7words』



11、The waitress wondered where the lady could be.『8words』

12、I also wondered what financial literacy skills are exactly.『9words』

13、I wondered if guys would think I was damaged goods.『10words』

14、He had often wondered where the sideshow cast came from.『10words』

15、Wyatt wondered why the wom wires were not wrapped right.『10words』

16、Have you ever wondered what happens to mosquitos in the rain?『11words』

17、I wondered if an eyewitness account could be corrupted by misleading post-event information.『13words』

18、The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.『13words』

19、But I, too, wondered: Could Yao adapt to the rough-and-tumble world of the NBA?『14words』

20、I wondered if it was her own or if she had pulled it from Henry Bordeaux.『16words』



21、He wondered, too, just what it was that Simon thought his mother understood about the racehorse argument.『17words』

22、People wondered how an executive with such a sturdy career could gamble on such a ridiculous script.『17words』

23、He asked it quizzically-as if, perhaps, he had encountered a gentle ghost, and wondered why it was there.『18words』

24、We wondered whether a specially trained staff member from the lodge was lurking underwater, hooking them onto our lures.『19words』

25、She wondered and wondered in those few moments if there was any reality in that other thing Dickon had said.『20words』

26、A moment later he wondered how Lucy had got past his guard, when he had thought he was disarming her.『20words』

27、Scientists have long wondered if the aboriginals on the continent today are descendants of those first settlers, or of later arrivals.『21words』

28、Have you ever wondered how this is possible, or at least wondered if you could do the same with your own classes?『22words』

29、You know, I often wondered how the Freedom Teachings got so compromised over the eons, when so many good people were around to protect them.『25words』

30、But in 1938, Dr Arlie Bock, the director of the then Department of Hygiene at Harvard University, wondered whether studying sick people was only half of the story.『28words』

