

1、injected gas-oil ratio『3words』

2、injected-beam forward amplifier『3words』

3、beam-injected crossed-field amplifier『3words』

4、The fluid so injected.『4words』

5、electron-beam injected transistor amplifier『4words』



6、Penicillin was injected into the blood-stream『6words』

7、He's been injected with a cloaking serum.『7words』

8、PBS was subcutaneously injected for control group.『7words』

9、ratio of injected air to produced oil『7words』

10、 The nurse injected penicillin into her arm.『8words』



11、In what form is the CO2 injected underground?『8words』

12、For some systems there must be an injected EBL.『9words』

13、Conclusion: Tramadol injected sacral canal is safe and effective.『9words』

14、Holiday economy injected fresh energy to the consumption growth.『9words』

15、Distribution of hydroxylapatite nanoparticles injected via intravenous in mouse『9words』

16、In the most severe cases, fluids are injected into the body.『11words』

17、Something that is injected, especially a dose of liquid medicine injected into the body.『14words』

18、This is because photoelectrons injected into oil-gap from HV electrode could not be accumulated.『14words』

19、Silicone oil was injected in 59 eyes with active bleeding, retinal detachment, or severe ischemia.『15words』

20、The result injected more critical thinking, leadership development, and a global experience requirement into the program.『16words』



21、Virxsys researchers described how they vaccinated monkeys, and then six months later injected them with SIV.『16words』

22、The experimental groups were injected collagenase under sheaths, and the control groups were injected physiological saline respectively.『17words』

23、In most sequestration projects, compressed carbon dioxide is injected into a geologic formation already filled with water.『17words』

24、L-NAME injected in advance enhanced the effect of OMT on antagonism of the writhing response caused by acetic acid.『19words』

25、Mixing of injected gas and reservoir oil will change the initial saturation pressure, affect the deliverability of the oil.『19words』

26、All the 22 SCID mice were intraperitoneally injected with human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) to establish immune reconstituted model.『19words』

27、While all the rats grew progressively weaker, those injected with live cells did so much more slowly than those injected with dead cells.『23words』

28、When vacuum state is injected into one input port while odd coherent state is injected into another, quantum entanglement is generated at the output ports.『25words』

29、The natural behavioral response is stretching, and injected mice stretched more when placed next to injected mice than they did when placed next to non-injected mice.『26words』

30、After an analysis of the quality of injected water which exists in the pipes in Liuzan of Jidong Oilfield, it is found that the injected water scales, affects the oil displacement efficiency.『32words』

