

1、How does chili taste?『4words』

2、Fried chili pork chops『4words』

3、dumpling with chili oil『4words』

4、The chili burned my mouth.『5words』

5、pepper; paprika; cayenne; chili powder『5words』



6、Foods: beef, fragrant chili sauce.『5words』

7、And I want some chili paste.『6words』

8、fiery vinegar flavored with chili peppers.『6words』

9、I only put in one tiny chili.『7words』

10、Could you bring me some chili sauce?『7words』



11、Festivals abound, often featuring chili pepper-eating contests.『7words』

12、Chili peppers are more wild and chili peppers.『8words』

13、Quick-fried oyster with fermented soya beans and chili『8words』

14、Would you give me some ketchup and chili sauce?『9words』

15、It's served in chili sauce, so it's pretty hot.『9words』

16、Mars - 12 pounds paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder and charcoal.『11words』

17、Spaghetti, chili and pizza, for instance, are great on salad greens.『11words』

18、Made out of 12 pounds paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder and charcoal.『12words』

19、Love perfume, and a large pot of Turkey chili sauce in a brown jar.『14words』

20、(Mexican) ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans.『15words』



21、Turn off heat and sprinkle with chili oil, Szechuan chili powder, to taste, and half scallion.『16words』

22、It is cooked with "yellow soybean paste" made of barley sugar, bran vinegar and dried chili.『16words』

23、Even things like chili peppers - lots of people enjoy them and they are a little painful.『17words』

24、But, Japanese is to excogitate special chili to reduce weight food, be not thought like you, dry gnaw chili.『19words』

25、If you do not have dried prickly ash or chili peppers, you can use chili oil, but it won't taste as good.『22words』

26、Other dishes to try are shrimps with salt and garlic, dried chili beef, bean curd with chili, and fish in spicy bean sauce.『23words』

27、Manuel Quiroz says he can eat chili after chili, rub them on his face, even squeeze the juice into his eyes without a bargaining.『24words』

28、The chili frogs' legs are made with mushrooms and chili sauce and cooked in the South China style, which is quite spicy and USES pepper seeds.『26words』

29、Step three If the oil can't be reused, remove them and add new oil. Add ginger, garlic, pickled chili and red chili into the pot, deep-fried them.『27words』

30、When I was young, I traveled here with my parents and tasted the unique flavor. However, because of the taboo of chili peppers, I gave birth to an overwhelming appraisal of chili peppers.『33words』

