

1、此*的查询表达式为 swimmer/entry。『2words』

2、an inexhaustible swimmer『3words』

3、Clothing hampers a swimmer『4words』

4、The swimmer suddenly got cramp.『5words』

5、The swimmer gained the shore.『5words』



6、She is a good swimmer.『5words』

7、You say you're a swimmer.『5words』

8、This girl is a good swimmer.『6words』

9、A good swimmer often gets drowned『6words』

10、That swimmer is through as an athlete.『7words』



11、The Chinese swimmer won a gold medal.『7words』

12、The swimmer strained to reach the shore.『7words』

13、He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.『8words』

14、Can you swim? Yes. I'm a good swimmer.『8words』

15、She is a very good swimmer and often races.『9words』

16、The swimmer can remain under for more than a minute.『10words』

17、The swimmer emerged from the water and climbed on the raft.『11words』

18、She was an accomplished pianist, a superb swimmer, and a gifted artist.『12words』

19、At first, the swimmer said she does not think she won a medal.『13words』

20、He's my best mate and he's the best butterfly swimmer in the club.『13words』



21、A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion.『17words』

22、Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer.『18words』

23、American swimmer Evans was interviewing reporters near the scene when the explosion occurred. She witnessed the whole process.『18words』

24、The swimmer who makes the bigger wave is the faster swimmer, and a longer torso makes a bigger wave.『19words』

25、The British endurance swimmer and explorer wants to be the first person to swim at the geographic North Pole.『19words』

26、This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley( IM) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay.『20words』

27、Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes.『27words』

28、Life is a brave swimmer! Life is a broad sea. When you jump into the sea, you are the swimmer! If you don't work hard, you will drown and die!『30words』

29、A high dive will make a swimmer go deeper upon entry and therefore, the swimmer will cover more vertical distance to get to the surface. Covering that extra distance costs time.『31words』

30、But, to be a good swimmer you've got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.『35words』

