

1、tug-of-love child『2words』

2、tug-of-love baby『2words』

3、auxiliary ocean tug『3words』

4、Questions tug at his mind.『5words』

5、Let's play tug of war.『5words』



6、To give an abrupt pull; tug.『6words』

7、The tug is towing three barges.『6words』

8、tug at the [ an ] oar『7words』

9、She felt a tug at her sleeve.『7words』

10、I gave the loose tooth a tug.『7words』



11、He unkindly gave his sister's hair a tug.『8words』

12、Is a moral, not just sentimental, emotional tug.『8words』

13、Investors should beware the tug of higher interest rates.『9words』

14、Another tug on my arm drew me back to reality.『10words』

15、When greek meets greek then is the tug of war .『11words』

16、The tug of war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap.『12words』

17、Nothing could easily tug at our heartstrings, except the call for justice.『12words』

18、There is always a tug of war inside each of us between nature and nurture.『15words』

19、The impacts of that tug-of-war on the climate system could be devilishly difficult to untangle.『15words』

20、If you tug at it when it's dry, it's got a bit more give and strength.『16words』



21、They may stealthily tug at your trousers feet and gently kiss, leaving a wet kiss mark.『16words』

22、Those old films about the child and his lost collie dog always tug at my heart strings.『17words』

23、Partly, that is done by the song’s words, but pure melody can also tug at the heartstrings.『17words』

24、That's where the movie really start to get interesting, and to tug at your heartstrings with its based-on-a-true-story premise.『19words』

25、Student A: Wang Ping, yesterday you said you would introduce the "interesting tug of war competitions in China and abroad".『20words』

26、The tug between national and supranational regulation has gradually led to an ad hoc arrangement for the international banking system.『20words』

27、Some of us tug at the rules so hard that we never soar to reach the heights we might have obtained .『22words』

28、Liverpool are the latest Premiership club to show an interest in Diana, which could spark a tug of war with Arsenal and their bitter rivals Tottenham Hotspur.『27words』

29、Engineers think that an iceberg up to 11 kilometres long and 2 kilometres wide could be transported if the tug pulling it was as big as a supertanker.『28words』

30、After connecting the tow later that morning, the tug commenced towing the vessel to Singapore with another salvage tug PERDANA SAKTI in escort, under the Lloyds Open Form salvage agreement.『30words』

