

1、cyclical reporting『2words』

2、Linear or cyclical『3words』

3、cyclical transcription and reverse transcription『5words』

4、Well also it's quite cyclical.『5words』

5、cyclical fluctuations of capitalist reproduction『5words』



6、Property is cyclical, they shrug.『5words』

7、The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism.『7words』

8、“biorhythm:an innate, cyclical biological process or function."『7words』

9、Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.『7words』

10、But top-class accommodation is a cyclical game.『7words』



11、The city's troubles are part cyclical, part existential.『8words』

12、“This is a cyclical turn," Acouthan just told me.『9words』

13、Some do not even realise that cyclical downturns are normal.『10words』

14、The drivers of inflation are much more structural than cyclical.『10words』

15、But beneath the cyclical rhythms, the crisis has left its mark.『11words』

16、Yet cyclical factors only partly explain why the dollar has been strong.『12words』

17、A Comparative Study of the Motion Perception Abilities in Cyclical and Non-cyclical Movements;『13words』

18、This is the cyclical economic crisis that inhere in such kind of system『13words』

19、Investors may focus on the cyclical downturn in the chip industry, he wrote.『13words』

20、Northrop Frye's theory of archetypal criticism is a cyclical system in motion based on myth archetypes.『16words』



21、These two measures of cyclical variation, percent of trend and relative cyclical residual, are percentages of the trend.『18words』

22、The obvious question iswhether all this is merely a cyclical upswing or whether Germany hasundergone some deeper, structural change.『19words』

23、whereas in respect of time, the dynamic characteristics of modern world - system displays secular trends and the cyclical rhythms.『20words』

24、Since 2004, TFP growth has probably spurted (the figures are not yet available), but this may reflect a cyclical boom.『20words』

25、Recent studies of sediment in the North Atlantic's deep waters reveal possible cyclical patterns in the history of Earth's climate.『20words』

26、But part of the explanation could also be cyclical, notably abundant liquidity, low borrowings by companies and high risk appetites.『20words』

27、The application of renewable energy in developing tourist cyclical economy --Take Nan Hu Rural Eco-tourism area in Yunnan as an example『21words』

28、That's right! You know, Chinese have a cyclical concept of time. The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years.『24words』

29、At the same time, the G3 currencies will probably be driven by cyclical, not structural factors, and the us housing cycle is the dominant cyclical driver.『26words』

30、This paper introduces the basic concepts of cyclical economy, foreign experience and puts forward specific strategies for cyclical economy that our country should conduct in the urbanization.『27words』

