


2、It would never endure.'『4words』

3、endure suffering quietly (bravely)『4words』

4、To endure insult patiently『4words』

5、What challenges did I endure『5words』



6、To resist or endure successfully.『5words』

7、We cannot endure one another.『5words』

8、I cannot endure the sight.『5words』

9、Man create the evil the endure.『6words』

10、His name shall endure for ages.『6words』



11、The old symbols, however, still endure.『6words』

12、She can't endure the winter here.『6words』

13、be ready to endure or tolerate sth『7words』

14、A galled horse will not endure the comb.『8words』

15、Sufferers endure diarrhoea, loss of weight and potentially malnutrition.『9words』

16、But real women can endure the worst in one another.『10words』

17、How can a story like that endure generations of repetition?『10words』

18、“ Roberta felt that she could no longer endure farm life.『11words』

19、Endure the lonely night, is the light, endure cold winter, will bring spring breeze.『14words』

20、She was strong enough to endure everything, but she could not endure the pity of others.『16words』



21、Love is a lifetime of silence, in the world of love, to endure loneliness, endure loneliness.『16words』

22、We must stand up to falsehood, endure perfunctory, endure deceit, forget our promise, and let everything go.『17words』

23、If we live, do not be afraid of loneliness. Is it not such a sentence? Endure loneliness and endure loneliness.『20words』

24、Hunan cuisine personality value not only to "endure" out of the Natural, "endure" to leave a family, "endure" a home-Love endless aftertaste.『22words』

25、But in his father's repeated injuries, Kafka learns to observe, endure and endure, as well as the pain and helplessness of life.『22words』

26、And here's a "different" means "gift endure" from Hengyang, Hunan different from other cuisine and the other factions, it is "gift endure" personality.『23words』

27、This kind of character not only can endure the concrete bottom board weight, but also may endure inevitable external pressure and impulse during the construction period.『26words』

28、 It is easy to endure pain, but difficult to endure itching. Those who are able to endure wealth, leisure and itching must have a Taoist personality.『27words』

29、People must stand up to falsehood, endure perfunctory, endure deceit, forget their promises, and put everything into play. What you have lost has never really belonged to you.『28words』

30、There are four conditions for accomplishments. First, we must stand up to annoy and annoy. Two, we must endure indignation. Three, we must endure setbacks. Four, we must endure time. To be a man, everything must be able to bear.『40words』

