

1、Fixate a faint object.『4words』

2、though pale and faint『4words』

3、damn with faint praise『4words』

4、To damn with faint praise『5words』

5、Heart, slight quiver, faint pain.『5words』



6、pale yellow; faint; dim; twilight『5words』

7、Soon he became dizzy and faint.『6words』

8、I think I'm going to faint.『6words』

9、She perceived a faint aroma of dill.『7words』

10、The hills sent back a faint echo.『7words』



11、Her tone was so faint and desolate.『7words』

12、come over `dizzy,`faint,`giddy,etc suddenly feel dizzy,faint,giddy, etc『7words』

13、A faint hope still flickered in his breast.『8words』

14、This blotch may become faint in larger species.『8words』

15、A faint smile of reminiscence appeared on her face...『9words』

16、I'll faint from this unbearable pain in my stomach.『9words』

17、It was way too faint to be a planet.『9words』

18、damning with faint praise; faint resistance; feeble efforts; a feeble voice.『11words』

19、I like the faint lamplight from your window, warm and serene.『11words』

20、When I would comfort myself against sorrow, my heart is faint in me.『13words』



21、He went to the streamlet to drink, feeling faint and weak of spirit.『13words』

22、The ginkgo powder has the characteristics of faint yellow color, uniform texture and good soakage.『15words』

23、He grasped her hand and leaned down, trying to see her eyes in the faint moonlight.『16words』

24、The pink face, the faint smile and the bright eyes are the faint beauty of peach blossoms.『17words』

25、Like a simple and elegant feeling, pale sky, white clouds, hazy rain, slight wind, and then faintfaint fragrance.『18words』

26、A really beautiful woman should be like the song "Faint Fragrance" : When the petals depart from he flower, the faint fragrance remains.『23words』

27、Faint brown areas in centre of seed cotyledons becoming deeply sunken and desiccated; less commonly seen but reported in field conditions; leaf symptoms often only faint and generallyt resembling Plate38 below.『31words』

28、On the bare peach tree, there are clusters of peach blossoms. The peach blossoms are white with a faint pink, which is very beautiful. At the same time, it also emits a faint fragrance.『34words』

29、In the western sky, a red sun with yellow light hangs quietly on the pale blue sky curtain. It emits a faint red light and a faint yellow light. It is so beautiful and gentle.『35words』

30、If fainting, or pretending to faint, would do the trick, then she would faint. If simpering, coquetry or empty-headedness would attract him, she would gladly play the flirt and be more empty-headed than even Cathleen Calvert.『36words』

