

1、Interest in ESP revived.『4words』

2、Political life has revived.『4words』

3、The rain revived the trees.『5words』

4、Feudal superstition has revived recently.『5words』

5、He revived the senseless child.『5words』



6、The fresh air soon revived him.『6words』

7、This quaint custom should be revived.『6words』

8、Interest in ancient music has revived recently.『7words』

9、John Barton had revived to fitful intelligence.『7words』

10、The word jealous had revived her jealousy.『7words』



11、The lifeguard revived the man by artificial respiration.『8words』

12、The temperance [dry; anti-alcohol] movement revived in the city.『9words』

13、The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.『9words』

14、I was imediately revived and able to give my speech.『10words』

15、The long silence of the pornographic hairdressing industry has revived.『10words』

16、Their lives have been rejuvenated. Families and communities have been revived.『11words』

17、The resurgence of the 30-second commercial has revived companies that had been in crisis.『14words』

18、As the game proceeded the conversation ceased, excepting between the rubbers, when it revived again.『15words』

19、He told me the story of how Cano revived the yeast, how it resembled brewer's yeast.『16words』

20、To some extent, "new economic man" has revived neo-classical economics and made it full of vitality.『16words』



21、But in 2003, Thrun revived SAIL and - in at least some ways - the McCarthy spirit.『17words』

22、But as the Aral Sea comes back to life, Kazakhstan hopes that the fishing industry will be revived.『18words』

23、Coupled with the extraordinary looseness of American policy, the weak dollar has also revived fears of a currency crash.『19words』

24、A cultured cell line of human hepatoma (QGY-7703) preserved in liquid nitrogen for seven years has been successfully revived.『19words』

25、The conversation revived magically. Chu Yin-chiu and Chen Chun-yi, who had a moment ago been grumbling, were now beaming.『19words』

26、“Discontinued in 1977, it was revived in 1982 to run Between London and Venice as the "Venice Simplon Orient Express."『20words』

27、Rock and roll has been revived and has survived by young rock bands and a reissuing and resampling of the old.『21words』

28、Since a few years, Burlesque has had a comeback. Past trends and flairs of the 20's have revived the golden Age of Burlesque.『23words』

29、The unit was disbanded after the war but its legacy of small, self-sufficient patrols carrying out covert surveillance was revived with the formation of Norforce in1981.『26words』

30、The idea is that a person who dies from a presently incurable disease could be thawed and revived in the future when a cure has been found.『27words』

