

1、The wider problem remains.『4words』

2、A bit wider, please.『4words』

3、The wider background may help.『5words』

4、wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.『5words』

5、Open your mouth wider, please.『5words』



6、The rebellion evokes wider sympathy.『5words』

7、chasms wider than the Grand Canyon,『6words』

8、But it seems symptomatic of something wider.『7words』

9、direct one's advertising at a wider audience『7words』

10、She looked considerably darker and much wider.『7words』



11、What wider impact will this decision have?『7words』

12、We need to appeal to a wider customer base.『9words』

13、If so, it's time to cast a wider net.『9words』

14、The wider question has to do with systemic risk.『9words』

15、In the wider Muslim world, the impact may be larger.『10words』

16、It requires the wider influence of a longer term program.『10words』

17、The path will not become narrower and narrower but wider and wider.『12words』

18、Wolf's trot broke into a run, wider and wider were the leaps he made.『14words』

19、Schubert says international collaboration is a way to spread ideas in wider and wider circles.『15words』

20、Better precision X ray tube, and wider analysis scope, long lifetime up to 10 years.『15words』



21、There are some buildings which have historical significance to the locals or to the wider community.『16words』

22、With large processing capacity, simple structure and good decanting effectiveness, it is being used wider and wider.『17words』

23、You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.『19words』

24、Instant Messaging (shortened form is IM), as one of the Internet communication tool, is applies into wider and wider scopes.『20words』

25、With the development of ion exchange resin, the application of ion- exchange method in wastewater treatment is wider and wider.『20words』

26、Here is the estuary. Every morning and evening, the rising tide of the sea will make the whole river wider and wider.『22words』

27、With the development of economy, the road will be wider and wider, and people will have their own place. There is no doubt about that.『25words』

28、The widest thing in the world is the ocean, the sky is wider than the sea, and the human mind is wider than the sky.『25words』

29、Along the bottom of the ditch, the sound of the water is getting smaller and smaller, the canyon is getting wider and wider, and finally suddenly open.『27words』

30、Ever since China began to attract foreign capital at the end of 70's last century, the influence of MNC's activities upon Chinese economy became wider and wider.『27words』

