


2、Language performance testing:An overview『4words』

3、Extended Messaging Service overview.『4words』

4、Sport and RAS(an overview)『4words』

5、Figure 2 shows an overview.『5words』



6、Logical volume and disk placement overview.『6words』

7、Show the lesson overview to students.『6words』

8、The following is a quick overview.『6words』

9、The overview screen will be displayed.『6words』

10、A quick overview of DCE security model『7words』



11、Use this overview to organize your migration approach.『8words』

12、Figure 4: ClearQuest ALM: Conceptual overview of projects.『8words』

13、Figure 3 shows an overview of these deployment steps.『9words』

14、Figure 1 gives an overview of this AFS filesystem.『9words』

15、An overview of the researches of family education in China;『10words』

16、Figure 1 provides an overview of the WS-I Test Tools architecture.『11words』

17、Chapter one is the overview of the system of civil execution reconciliation.『12words』

18、This list gives you a good overview of the structural utility of Jython.『13words』

19、This article will give you an overview of transformation from UML to CORBA.『13words』

20、Figure 1 shows an overview of the Business Process Choreographer architecture, which consists of two major components.『17words』



21、This column features an overview of the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database.『17words』

22、I wrote an overview article on the Web 2.0 feature pack when it was originally released in 2008.『18words』

23、As the name suggests, the overview ruler gives you an overview of the lines of interest in your editor.『19words』

24、You'll get a quick overview of a few tools here, but check out the Resources below to learn more.『19words』

25、Brief overview of this large metropolitan anesthesiology group which includes patient education areas and forms for questions and patient feedback.『20words』

26、After that, you'll have a high-level overview of skin extensions to change the look and feel of your MediaWiki site.『20words』

27、This article offers an overview and comprehensive survey of the complexity theory of beam halo_chaos and its control methods with prospective applications.『22words』

28、An overview of the "Various pathogenic designate theory" and "HuangDi Nei Jing Tai Su" said the occurrence of specific Numbers, while one of the "Numeral" also provides an overview.『29words』

29、You will find an overview of which tests and functions are scalar and columnar in the overview of the execution types of all tests and functions available for data rules.『30words』

30、When you see a red or amber problem indicator on the health overview, you can quickly get more information about that system from the overview Dashboard, as shown in Figure 2.『31words』

