

1、a continuing shrill noise.『4words』

2、a shrill cry, whistle『4words』

3、A shrill, discordant sound.『4words』

4、A shrill, high-pitched sound.『4words』

5、shrill an order [a song]『5words』



6、Her voice was shrill and penetrating.『6words』

7、To make a shrill, discordant sound.『6words』

8、The shrill cry of a cock.『6words』

9、To speak shrilly; make a shrill sound.『7words』

10、Whistles began to shrill outside the barn .『8words』



11、To make a faint, shrill sound or sounds; chirp.『9words』

12、The lever is bent further, and the spool shrill.『9words』

13、The boys mother shouted his name in a shrill voice.『10words』

14、The noise of the wind over the heath was shrill.『10words』

15、The shrill voice lingered in the valley on autumn night.『10words』

16、A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp.『12words』

17、The shrill ringing of a bell broke up the card game on the cutter.『14words』

18、In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her.『15words』

19、The grandfather stood under the door, watching her, when suddenly a shrill whistle was heard.『15words』

20、There is increasingly shrill commentary arguing that Greece is the start of a far bigger problem.『16words』



21、Her voice was rising again and in the quiet street sounded extra shrill, malting him acutely embarrassed.『17words』

22、Their shrill arguments are boring and comical once one has learned a bit of how the world really works.『19words』

23、small brown tree toad having a shrill call heard near wetlands of eastern United States and Canada in early spring.『20words』

24、He heard the shrill, hard voice of Jondrette utter these words, which were fraught with a strange interest for him.『20words』

25、Suddenly a new sound, a shrill, feminine shriek, was heard from the porch, and the cook ran into the vestibule.『20words』

26、a device that forces air or steam against an edge or into a cavity and so produces a loud shrill sound.『21words』

27、Another women stepped forward and pointed to the pharmacy bag on the street saying in a near shrill, "that's his bag!"『21words』

28、A whistle from above, of a tone so clear and shrill, that it was heard even amid the noise of the waterfall.『22words』

29、The shrill screech of police-whistles suddenly pierced through the din and the white of police cap-bands mingled with the girls' flying hair.『22words』

30、No matter where it comes from this voice of moderation sounds shrill and plaintive compared with the stentorian message of hardliners and the domestic security empire they rule.『28words』

