

1、crawling speed running『3words』

2、[England slang] pub crawling『4words』

3、They are all crawling plants.『5words』

4、The traffic was crawling along.『5words』

5、a highway crawling with cars;『5words』



6、The ground is crawling with ants.『6words』

7、She's always crawling to the boss.『6words』

8、Upstairs, staff oversee a baby-crawling race.『6words』

9、We were crawling around on all fours.『7words』

10、Lisa said, after crawling through the trapdoor.『7words』



11、Start crawling and parsing and build an index.『8words』

12、Left Arm: a tiger crawling, several multi-colored stars.『8words』

13、They predicted I'd come crawling back in a month.『9words』

14、How beastly! There are horrid little mice crawling over him.『10words』

15、As they were crawling southward they spotted a small freighter.『10words』

16、I my job I spend a lot of time crawling around.『11words』

17、Pages with links back to the top-level pages will help with crawling.『12words』

18、Clothes are always wrinkled, there is either sticking grass or crawling with ladybug.『13words』

19、You go on Mt. Qomolangma, just as if you are crawling into your mother's lap.『15words』

20、This speaks to the Fermi Paradox, which asks why the galaxy isn't crawling with intelligent life.『16words』



21、Crawling along: This illustration shows a robot designed to inspect transmission infrastructure while crawling along power lines.『17words』

22、The handicapped and lame, the frightened escapees, ran away from the barracks, rolling and crawling, crying and howling.『18words』

23、It made sense to be cagey, even though crawling while carrying tools and explosives was awkward and uncomfortable.『18words』

24、The peaches touch the hairy, itchy, and sometimes prickly, feeling like a small ant crawling on the hand.『18words』

25、I saw the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiers plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts,...『20words』

26、E-mail harvesting can be one of the easiest crawling activities, as you'll see in the final crawler example in this article.『21words』

27、She then dusted off the crumbs from the picnic table so that they would not find ants crawling over their space the next day.『24words』

28、As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the 1 crawling ant to the 2 leaping 3 antelope.『24words』

29、There was often some crawling sneak with an ambition to become a coddy who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime.『26words』

30、The Onion wanted to give its audience as much flexibility as possible and will allow features that are popular on video-sharing sites, such as allowing Web publishers to embed clips into their blogs.『33words』

