

1、parallelly imported goods『3words』

2、cargoes imported and exported『4words』

3、foreign film / imported picture『5words』

4、Note that we imported WeekDay._.『5words』

5、The disadvantages of imported food.『5words』



6、This wine is imported from France.『6words』

7、(i) goods imported under inward processing programmes;『7words』

8、Kodar and Fuji are imported film .『7words』

9、The vegetables were apparently imported from Spain.『7words』

10、Squalene Raw material is imported from Australia.『7words』



11、They also can be imported from XSD files.『8words』

12、Secondly, the 4.4bsd snprintf function family has been imported.『9words』

13、During the construction, the imported TBM was first used.『9words』

14、4suite (imported from : The core XML library.『9words』

15、Listing 4 shows what packages needed to imported from SWT.『10words』

16、Use and refer to the imported DWG data to determine feature dimensions.『12words』

17、A Script comment line identifies the file that the statements were imported from.『13words』

18、%1 rules imported. Go to Tools / Rules Wizard to activate your imported rules.『14words』

19、Set its type as bool by browsing for the types from the imported CSharpPrimitiveTypes library.『15words』

20、To compare the cytotoxicity of imported polyacrylamide hydrogel (it) with that of home made (FH).『15words』



21、After you've imported your COBOL file to the workbench, you can develop your service definition.『15words』

22、This article takes imported wine data as an example, and studies the safety of imported wines.『16words』

23、And supermarkets often add to the confusion by labeling imported king crab "Alaskan king crab, imported."『16words』

24、Whey albumen powder imported from New Zealand, separated soy albumen powder imported from America, glucose, etc.『16words』

25、The same procedure is performed for each imported or included schema to load all the referenced schemas by these imported or included schemas.『23words』

26、Article 2 The tariff rate quota of imported wool is 287000 ton in 2004. The quota of imported wool tops is 80000ton in 2004.『24words』

27、The main products imported ren Touma wine, wine Hennessy, Martell wine Napoleon wine, wine Camus, the French original imported wines, domestic famous wine trade.『24words』

28、We also make a surveying, drawing, designing and producing of all kinds of imported mechanical sealing whose performance and quality is as good as imported products.『26words』

29、We can help you order imported cheeses, ham, bacon, salami, imported sauces, Italian pasta etc. We also supply imported French wine at best price for your home.『27words』

30、Punching molds under tax number 8207 that are imported separately by encouraged projects fall within the commodities included in the Catalogue of Non-Tax-Free Imported Commodities of Domestic-Funded Projects,『28words』

