

1、Intransigence, rendered as crime,『4words』

2、Othello "was rendered rather poorly."『5words』

3、The music was well rendered.『5words』

4、It rendered this assumption infirm.『5words』

5、Mays rendered her suit debated.『5words』



6、His remark rendered me speechless.『5words』

7、It was payment for services rendered.『6words』

8、The selected PDF document is rendered.『6words』

9、These pages are rendered as tabs.『6words』

10、Finally, the maximized portlet is rendered.『6words』



11、They rendered assistance to the disaster victims.『7words』

12、The element is typically rendered in italic text.『8words』

13、PostScript produces rendered, printable pages of text and graphics.『9words』

14、By using the depth buffer, objects are rendered correctly.『9words』

15、Figure 6 shows a flit rendered on the home page.『10words』

16、Each of these services is rendered as an entry point.『10words』

17、If no portlet is maximized, then a link is rendered to maximize each portlet.『14words』

18、CSS3 works with HTML5 to specify how elements of a page should be rendered.『14words』

19、When the page is first rendered, a DIV container is rendered for the dialog box.『15words』

20、With the continuous rise of train operation speed, railway transportation rendered higher demand for TDCS.『15words』



21、Castle MonoRail offers different view engines to produce what is ultimately rendered to the browser.『15words』

22、Only portlets configured for maximized mode have their navigation rendered to maximize the portlet content.『15words』

23、Wordss fail me when I try to express my heartfelt gratitude to the help you rendered me.『17words』

24、Here it is rendered as' virtue ', but the reader can detect from the context the correct nuance.『18words』

25、If ever the market has rendered a just verdict, it is the one rendered on G. M. and Chrysler.『19words』

26、The in - game texture looks primo and storyline sections are a nice mix full - motion and rendered video.『20words』

27、Cor.13:8 Love never falls away. But whether prophecies, they will be rendered useless; or tongues, they will cease; or knowledge, it will be rendered useless.『25words』

28、With the conception of particle deposition, some terrain types like crater, islands could be rendered better while the usual terrain could still be rendered very well.『26words』

29、The attribution contains a, but that citation will likely be rendered inline when printed, perhaps in italics or underlining, or will appear as a hotlink to the bibliography if rendered in HTML.『32words』

30、For your selection list items to be rendered as buttons, you must modify your default rendering set to specify that selection list items should now be rendered as buttons instead of links (Figure 7).『34words』

