


2、buzz about [around]『3words』

3、buzz stick method『3words』

4、I'll give him a buzz.『5words』

5、The buzz of study ceased.『5words』



6、Flying gives me a real buzz.『6words』

7、Researchers call it the glacial buzz-saw.『6words』

8、I 'll buzz you at work.『6words』

9、The buzz bombs were bad enough.『6words』

10、The flies buzz in the sun.『6words』



11、Some thrive on the buzz of communal living.『8words』

12、A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.『8words』

13、You can sense the creative buzz in the city.『9words』

14、Driving on the interstate with a Friday-night buzz... nuts.『9words』

15、“There's no buzz, there's no oomph about the place," he complained.『11words』

16、I was about to give you a buzz when I heard your knock.『13words』

17、Once more, he heard the buzz of low voices exclaiming, "The prince, the prince comes!"『15words』

18、The buzz in technical movie-making circles these days involves the two-month-old, ultra-high-resolution digital Red camera.『15words』

19、After the movie was over, there was a buzz and noise in front of the cinema.『16words』

20、Such official caution notwithstanding, the findings that led to all the buzz cannot be dismissed entirely.『16words』



21、Inthe end, if you're going to build buzz this way, you better be sureyour product can deliver.『17words』

22、In currency markets, the buzz among traders is that there is another factor at work, too: China.『17words』

23、Now companies are applying those same principals to sounds, as the buzz surrounding" sonic branding" gets louder.『17words』

24、Far off, I could hear the wich-wich-wich of a yellow warbler and a locust's somnolent buzz, otherwise silence.『18words』

25、And much of the buzz about micro devices has shifted to nanotechnology, an endeavor that makes MEMS researchers look like hard nosed pragmatists.『23words』

26、The green leaves move with the wind, sprinkle their youth and vigor, and buzz towards the sun in the cold early spring wind.『23words』

27、A buzz cut is a very short, tight haircut that is so named because of the sound the razor makes when getting it done.『24words』

28、A film that is rumoured to be a dud tends, by means of "bad buzz" leaking to newspapers and the Internet, to become a dud.『25words』

29、Expo Global Partners including China Mobile, General Motors, Bank of Communications and State Grid accounted for almost 50 per cent of buzz among all sponsors.『25words』

30、Cloud computing is one of those catch all buzz words that tries to encompass a variety of aspects ranging from deployment, load balancing, provisioning, business model and architecture (like Web2.0).『30words』

