

1、Database connections configured visually.『4words』

2、Is it configured sensibly?『4words』

3、You’re all configured. 『4words』

4、Specific printers must be configured.『5words』

5、The SEA is now configured.『5words』



6、Specific applications must be configured.『5words』

7、The configured sized of each cache.『6words』

8、You have successfully configured an IPSec Policy.『7words』

9、Declarative Services can be configured with properties.『7words』

10、This setting is configured in the transformation.『7words』



11、Grid elements are configured in tabular format.『7words』

12、Agents are configured for autonomous capabilities by default.『8words』

13、Multiple virtual machines are configured as MediaWiki servers.『8words』

14、The hostname and port can both be configured, however.『9words』

15、The performance test LPAR was configured with 12 GB memory.『10words』

16、The LPAR being moved was configured with 4GB of memory.『10words』

17、The Ethernet adapters themselves are created and configured using the HMC.『11words』

18、Each network adapter should be configured with a boot address and associated host name.『14words』

19、Example 1 is a basic application that has OpenID configured as the authentication type.『14words』

20、Both DataPower and backside resources must be configured to respond appropriately to these test messages.『15words』



21、BPEL can be configured to persist its internal state of a flow to a database.『15words』

22、Encryption type mismatches occur particularly when the client and server machine are configured with different Kerberos installations.『17words』

23、The sample application is currently configured to make use of resources configured on the WebSphere MQ JMS provider.『18words』

24、The value of this property is 0.0 if the text editing control is not configured to support scrolling.『18words』

25、First, TAM WebSEAL must be configured to send its user ID and password to the application servers for the junction being configured.『22words』

26、This means that all even-numbered nodes are not configured on one managed system, and all odd-numbered nodes are not configured on another managed system.『24words』

27、For the demo program, two connection factory directory definitions are provided, one configured for bindings mode and another configured for client mode, as shown below.『25words』

28、The CAMPUS_A_CLEANERS group is not configured to enter the campus, although it is configured to enter both buildings and all configured rooms except for the secure LABS.『27words』

29、GSC is configured to accept all requests with the URI *” and has a routing rule configured to regect all requests that match this URI with a 404response.『28words』

30、And if a new admin were to inherit our craftily configured server, it would take quite a bit of detective work in order to even begin to understand how we configured everything.『32words』

