

1、To ally inappropriately.『3words』

2、A close Cameron ally.『4words』

3、ally of the moment『4words』

4、Indonesia can be one ally.『5words』

5、South Korea is our ally.『5words』



6、 That football team is our ally.『7words』

7、We view Pakistan as an important ally.『7words』

8、We are an ally, not an accomplice.『7words』

9、We only crush our finest natural ally.『7words』

10、“He doesn’t give things up,” observes one ally.『8words』



11、Colombia is Uncle Sam's closest South American ally.『8words』

12、The private sector could also become a strong ally.『9words』

13、Stock market investors can also be an important ally.『9words』

14、One ally approves of her choice, calling it pragmatic.『9words』

15、The first is that its ally is now a strategic liability.『11words』

16、When you play an ally, it enters play in your ally row.『12words』

17、Besides, with Jonathan's wild game to contain with, I would really welcome an ally.『14words』

18、The G-Tox technique makes gravity your ally by aiding venous return to the heart.『14words』

19、An arachnoid membrane is your best ally. Always do your dissection within the arachnoidal planes.『15words』

20、He also fired the Kremlin's longtime media adviser - a Putin ally - for abuse of office.『17words』



21、Experiment study on the influence of diffusion annealing before forging on mechanical property of low ally steel『17words』

22、The paper fin- ally describes both the application of VMF to zero-offset VSP data processing and the effect.『18words』

23、Hiram, the king of the Phoenician city of Tyre, was an ally and business partner of Solomon, King of Israel.『20words』

24、But the Druze chieftain broke openly with Mr Assad's filial successor after the murder of Mr Hariri, an old ally.『20words』

25、President Sarkozy will be an easier transatlantic ally , for sure , but he will still be no walkover .『20words』

26、Embracing warm blood, I sing of youth without regret. Look upon the horizon and know not when my ally would return.『21words』

27、For the French Government to leave her faithful ally, Czechoslovakia, to her fate was a melancholy lapse from which flowed terrible consequences.『22words』

28、Some are indisputably valuable, like disposable syringes, which have been a great ally in preventing the spread of infectious diseases like H. I.『23words』

29、densely tufted fern ally of southwestern United States to Peru; curls up in a tight ball when dry and expands and grows under moist conditions.『25words』

30、Based on a strategic ally relationship created among relevant enterprises, measures of purchasing materials according to the ally relationship were put forward and implemented at SIGS.『26words』


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