

1、flour prepared from wheat.『4words』

2、We all have flour.『4words』

3、Low gluten wheat flour『4words』

4、treat (flour) with trichloride.『4words』

5、Mix up flour and water『5words』



6、He ground wheat into flour.『5words』

7、fine powder, flour, dust, etc『5words』

8、Olga: : Just get corn flour.『6words』

9、The flour was ground from barley.『6words』

10、Saute beef in rice flour rolls『6words』



11、Add sieved flour, salt and baking powder.『7words』

12、flour that does not contain baking powder『7words』

13、He was told to mill flour in the flour-mill.『9words』

14、Anhui Hao old flour mill flour factory more assured!『9words』

15、UPP% was closely related to the flour mixograph shape.『9words』

16、Most of the flour we eat is white, or refined, flour.『11words』

17、To make steamed buns, first, you mix flour and water .『11words』

18、Mix strong flour, plain flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl.『12words』

19、If you can't find special flour, you can use the common flour.『12words』

20、The best choice is to make flour dumpling flour or high gluten flour.『13words』



21、Yellow is corn flour, black is melon flour, and white is wheat flour, of course.『15words』

22、Ingredients: sweet potato starch, buckwheat flour, kudzu powder, fine wheat flour, fine salt, pure water.『15words』

23、Pour into the hole in the flour mixture. Stir just until the flour mixture is moistened.『16words』

24、“Flour Finely ground cereal grain or other starchy portions of plants. Flour, especially wheat flour, is a Basic ingredient of Baked goods."『22words』

25、Soon after flour and butter were out of stock, she switched to cassava flour, rice flour, zedoary powder, coconut milk and coconut sugar.『23words』

26、Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, palm oil, glutinous rice flour, tapioca flour, corn starch, cocoa powder, milk powder, whey powder, salt, vanillin, food color.『23words』

27、The effects of soybean phospholipid flour on physicochemical property of wheat flour dough and steam bread were studied by adding soybean phospholipid flour into wheat flour.『26words』

28、The article discussed the suitable producing technique of Shuangku nutritious noodle with bitter buckwheat flour, wheat flour, balsam pear juice and improving agent of flour quality.『26words』

29、Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, palm oil, cocoa powder, milk powder, whey powder, corn starch, glutinous rice flour, tapioca flour, salt, chocolate flavor, food color, milk flavor, vanilla.『27words』

30、To Mr. Luo, the woman used to be a fairy queen whom he could only look up to and admire at a distance. But now that he felt himself to be the prince of art ... A fairy queen and a prince, what a perfect match!『46words』

