

1、These pumpkins taste good.『4words』

2、We all love white pumpkins.『5words』

3、Five pumpkins are having meeting.『5words』

4、It is made with pumpkins.『5words』

5、Some people call pumpkins vegetables.『5words』



6、We made many lanterns with pumpkins.『6words』

7、We grow pumpkins on the farm.『6words』

8、The flowers grow into little pumpkins.『6words』

9、Melons and pumpkins grow on vines.『6words』

10、Last year Illinois grew the most pumpkins.『7words』



11、Autumn is the best season to get pumpkins.『8words』

12、Carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes and papayas are yellow.『8words』

13、Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas.『8words』

14、Some children make lanterns out of pumpkins at Hallowe'en.『9words』

15、A man of learning is supposed to be some pumpkins.『10words』

16、This is the species of squash that includes pumpkins and gourds.『11words』

17、You will also find graffiti pumpkins which will try to act as decoys.『13words』

18、People like to cut funny or scary faces into pumpkins and put a candle inside.『15words』

19、Americans also use pumpkins for cooking, especially during the American holiday of Thanksgiving in late November.『16words』

20、Marshmallow % pumpkins don't look creepy, they taste amazing, especially in hot cocoa or bloody drink.『16words』



21、One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins.『18words』

22、But, like Cinderella at the ball, you must heed one warning or everything will turn into pumpkins and mice:『19words』

23、Create a zebra, elephant, and even a flamingo for darling pumpkins that will keep the party going all night long!『20words』

24、He found that white button mushrooms have more antioxidant capacity than tomatoes, green peppers, pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, or green beans.『20words』

25、I also wanted to see the red autumn leaves, the pumpkins and to feel the excitement of living free and alone.『21words』

26、You hand them candy and send them on their way, to other houses decorated with spider webs, tombstones and glowing hollowed-out pumpkins.『22words』

27、They hung orange and black crepe paper along the tops of the chalkboards, pasted paper pumpkins and black cats on the walls.『22words』

28、Just use the rungs and sides of the ladder as support for the vines. Let the pumpkins grow on the steps for further support.『24words』

29、Producing natural pumpkin powder in the optimum technics could retain the most natural quality of pumpkins, and realize full utilization of the eatable parts of pumpkins.『26words』

30、Pushing the chain lock, the door opened a crack, and we saw tables and chairs, pumpkins and bedding in the room, as if someone had come recently.『27words』

