

1、Austria punches Russia.『3words』

2、soften one's punches『3words』

3、I didn't pull my punches.『5words』

4、For maximum support use nest blade punches.『7words』

5、Then he punches Tweener in the chest.『7words』



6、Australia punches Turkey, and gets punched back.『7words』

7、Martin is more active and punches more.『7words』

8、In the struggle several punches were thrown.『7words』

9、Jason usually punches in around 8:50 a.m.『7words』

10、Dorcent punches a code into his own phone.『8words』



11、He overwhelmed Tom King with avalanches of punches『8words』

12、Extrusion punches must be coated to prevent galling.『8words』

13、a boxer noted for an ability to deliver hard punches.『10words』

14、Speaking in the privacy of their homes, they pulled no punches.『11words』

15、Roll with the punches and allow yourself to change tactics mid-stream.『11words』

16、Elastic cushion disperses the concentrated load applied by punches of multi-point die effectively.『13words』

17、Biff subjugates George, but George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out.『13words』

18、Happy people roll with the punches They know from experience that punches. everything changes.『14words』

19、Replaceable self-sharpening plastic punches are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most applications.『15words』

20、Even when times are universally good, Asia punches above its weight in terms of profitability.『15words』



21、A device that punches hole patterns in paper tape to represent characters for storage and / or transfer.『18words』

22、The real knockout is the next part, where the one-two punches of iterators and closures shows their power.『18words』

23、Our razor sharp plastic punches are self-sharpening and are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most applications.『19words』

24、His lightning punches, in a style the ancients called Iron Fist, generate their own, thunk! Kung fu-movie sound effects.『19words』

25、The article didn't pull its punches, criticizing State Grid's top leaders and referring to the company as' Frankenstein's monster. '.『20words』

26、As Elaine Crispen, Mrs.Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U.S. first lady " is learning to roll with the punches" .『21words』

27、An experiment with hemispheric punches reveals that the difference in their diameters and the specimen shape has some influence on FLD.『21words』

28、Once feared for his "black-out" punches, his clean KO percentage of 44% before the Baroudi fight dropped to 28% after it.『21words』

29、Depending on where you are when you're feeling stressed, and on your personality, throwing a few punches at a pillow might help.『22words』

30、Happy people roll with the punches They know from experience that punches. everything changes. Today's good fortune may vanish tomorrow - today's crises may turn out to be tomorrow's good fortune.『31words』

